male or female? i honestly dont know

Well-Known Member
alright so ive got a couple plants going, all white widow feminized from nirvana. one is definitely female. one seemed like a definite male to me, so i chopped it. two plants that look like this. i cant tell if they are female or male. could some experienced eyes take a look?

here is plant 1:
this looks normal to me for a female, but then i see this on a different branch:
whats the deal???

here is plant 2:
also looks normal to me for a female. but then again there are these:
IMGP1442.jpg IMGP1443.jpg

what do you all think? should i give them more time? do you think they are male, female, herm?

i appreciate your input. thank you--

mr. bond


Well-Known Member
looks like hermies.

(if ya aint got anything else and they are small, you could just pick off the balls and see if there are any more, they wont return after a picking (usually)


Well-Known Member
I grow white widow by dutch passion although i make my own seeds from those i bought couple years ago. Yer your plants are female but probably hermie'ing due to stress. Could be bad genetics on behalf of the seed breeder and it happens but not to all the seeds. Best what i can say is that when this has happened to me i have pulled of the balls as early as i could tell that thats what they were. Not many grew throughout the entire grow if i kept checking and pulling. Can be a blag searching for them every night or so but yer 99percent of the plant grew female. Problem is you never really get every single one and sometimes they are so covered by the bud you wouldnt notice or see it till you ground the dried bud to smoke. If at worst you get maybe 20 or so the whole grow and you pull most of these of you'll get a few seeds in places, not much if you keep the air currents to a minimun. Pull if you really want but could be fun too see how they turn out if you got the space and don't mind a stressed female!lol! More help is that there is nothing wrong with smoking the male part of the flower, lot weaker but hell if your that desperate it is practiced in some parts of the world. Those balls or small sac like buds stay closed for a while then ripen to bannana yellow and spilt open to i think it was five bannana shaped pods that if you shake give of pollen, collect some and fertilize a different strain, keep the best ones and should have parents for a new feminized strain, mate their offspring and breed that back with a stable strong strain, keep the ones that exhibit the characteristics you most want and send me the seeds from this if you want!lol! Lastly i have seen sometimes these male balls on my female plants revert back to female as the stress subsides, two white pistils grow out the middle of the ball and it slowly dies off leaving a sort of female looking calyx. Most don't return in the same place if you pluck them off. This was all strange to me when i first saw it but for a part of my growing life i had a lot of generations of stressed feminized plants and god did i breed a lot of seeds and good smoke. In fact i remember now, like the bannanas on my plants that were always a bugger to find and always missed one or two, same with the bloody seeds missing one or two in the bud when making a joint and bang the end of my joint blows up as another fucking seed goes bang, ahhh good times. Peace