male or female help


Active Member
my very first grow and i'm not s ure i have a very big female that was given to me so i'm very scared of having males :-?


Mr. Marge

Active Member
Did you just begin flowering? If so it should be a few more days before you can be sure, but as of yet...they look to have a good chance of being female.


Active Member
been flowering about a week now, i found out while i was at working and they were in darkness period my roomate would take it out to look at it, would that affect it? if so he did it about every day of it's flowering so far yesterday was its first full 12/12 with NO interuption


Active Member
it aint that big of a deal but you shouldnt allow the plant to see light when its on dark time but i dont see no balls in the pics at all and males usually show in a week or little more so there definately a good chance of bein female but it should be a few more days before u know fo sho