Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(


Active Member
from the photos you took it looks like early signs of a female... VERY OVERwATERED... LEt her dry up for a couple of days before watering again... you dun wanna drown her. :leaf:


yeh i bin overwatering since the transplant so im just gunna let nature water them n nute it everyso often


Active Member
when you transplant you are only sposed to water enough to make the soil damp, you want the roots to go exploring in their new hom in search of water. Drowning the plant with your root problem will only compound things at this point. Let her dry up or your remaining roots may develop disease. :leaf:


fanx for the advice i will do.....any tips for if the weather forecast is rainy to stop the soil soaking it up, would a plastic bag over the soil help?


Dude! Looking at the pics, notice how the "V" shaped sprout between stem and leaf is. That would be female. (...the good shit,lol) they will become white, and more will grow on top of those. That is the bud. If you happen to have a plant with about 5 hanging flower petals, MOVE IT AWAY! Is a male plant and once the polen gets to the female the potency will not get any better. Also, that your female pland doesn't switch and become both male and female. (Yeahhh, it DOES happen) It will self pollenate and you'll be in the same boat as if you left a pollenating male plant next to a mature flowering female. Hope this helped. Hey, I'm of the mindset of THROW YOUR SEEDS OUT THE WINDOW!!!! Lol. Better to grow along a road where someone will find them, than to trash 'em.


Well-Known Member
Dude! Looking at the pics, notice how the "V" shaped sprout between stem and leaf is. That would be female. (...the good shit,lol) they will become white, and more will grow on top of those. That is the bud. If you happen to have a plant with about 5 hanging flower petals, MOVE IT AWAY! Is a male plant and once the polen gets to the female the potency will not get any better. Also, that your female pland doesn't switch and become both male and female. (Yeahhh, it DOES happen) It will self pollenate and you'll be in the same boat as if you left a pollenating male plant next to a mature flowering female. Hope this helped. Hey, I'm of the mindset of THROW YOUR SEEDS OUT THE WINDOW!!!! Lol. Better to grow along a road where someone will find them, than to trash 'em.

The "V" shaped thing between the leaf and stem is a stipule, and is not an indicator of sex. It will not "turn white" (pistils emerge already white, btw ) All cannabis plants have these.

Can't tell yet, but depending on where you live the nights may not be long enough for a few weeks or so.


well, my nites are as long as I want them. Timers and lights. Not saying the sun isn't the BEST way to go. ...just been trying NOT to be seen by helicopter. Yeahhhhh, you know what I mean, lol.


Well-Known Member
well, my nites are as long as I want them. Timers and lights. Not saying the sun isn't the BEST way to go. ...just been trying NOT to be seen by helicopter. Yeahhhhh, you know what I mean, lol.

Wait, so you're growing outdoors with lights?

I'm confused.