This is 1 plant. White Shark #2 is her labeled name.
First picture. May 22 day 51 of veg. I circled the pre-flowers in photo.
Second and third picture June 26 TODAY day 29 of flower.
She was in veg for a total of 57 days along with her sister. They showed sex between 36-40 days of veg.
I grew from seed no cloning to determine sex. They had a brother but he was pulled when he flashed his balls to everyone.
Light schedule started 24/0 went to 18/6, then straight to 12/12.
You can veg as long as you want, the indicators will be more visible as time passes.
I sure would not of grown those girls out as long as I did with all the training if I did not know their sex before doing so.
The last 2 pictures are of White Shark #2 the day before she went to flowering (5/2

and three days before (5/26), just to show how long I waited to give her a 12/12 light schedule. I would not of wasted this much time if I did not know the sex.

And some people say you cannot tell sex untill 12/12...