Male in the flower room


Hi all. One of my plants in the flower room developed some seeds which opened and allowed my other girls to develop some seeds. I am concerned that the pollen will stay in the room and affect all future plants. Does the male pollen become inactive or non potent after a certain period of time or do I need to completely "sanitize" the flower room? I have been growing just over two years and clean the rooms with alcohol periodically but am wondering if I should take down all the plastic covering and start fresh and new? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

thanks to all


Well-Known Member
after your done i would wash the whole room and and clean all your gear and clothes and outside the room. only takes a tiny bit to make more seeds.


Well-Known Member
Male pollen is extremely effective. It can reach plants up to a mile away. You should take the females out that aren't yet exposed clean the entire tent with alcohol and kill the male and females growing seeds.


Well-Known Member
OP are you saying, your one of your plants popped out a few "Nanners" which sent pollen to the room,
or are you saying you got a male, and it had balls, which threw pollen into your room ?
That is a sad story... It has been said, that a speck of MJ pollen, the size of a grain of sand on a bud will cause a seed...
Figure out when the pollen sack opened [nanner or balls]... if you now have seeds, that thing opened 10-14 days ago!
It takes 7-21 days for a seed to form inside the calyxes, once pollinated... Those male parts been fukken your ladies for weeks now...
Sorry... Hope you are ok with a few [hundred?] seeds...
Good Luck...


Thanks for the input. and yes, one of the plants put out Nanners and pollinated the room. Most all of my plants have been from what I've cloned and I've been growing the same strains for years now and I've never had a "Nanner" before so it pretty much caught me off guard. I'll sanitize the area again and hope for the best. I was hoping to hear that pollen had a "shelf life" but it is what it is. Thanks again for all the input folks.