Male hermi?!?!


Well-Known Member
hey, wasn't sure where to put this, is it possible that a male can go hermi?!?! i have 3 females that are going along nicely, and one male that i've been collecting pollen from, was going to pull it tonight but it looks like it has started to produce hairs. if it has gone hermi, will the pollen that was collected befor this produce hermi's too? or is it safe since it was taken befor the male began producing female traits? thanx for any info, its just bag seed so im not too worried about it.


Well-Known Member
there's good news and bad news. first the bad news. the hermie trait is genetic so it will be past on to the offspring. the good news is it seems to to be attached to the sex chromosomes so male hermies only pass it on to other males, females appear to not get affected
in my experience anyway


Well-Known Member
no its been seperate for quite some time. but i don't have a use for it once i've collected its pollen so its gone.

ok so if i use the pollen, which i am going to try the next generation will probably all be hermi males but the females should be ok?