Male flowers?

Hello all. My name is David. I've encountered these on my plant and I'm not sure what kind of flower this is. Would anyone be able to tell? To me it looks like a male but It's my first grow and I am not sure what to look for. I have done no training to the plant. Any help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
From my experience, you can't tell the sex of a plant by how shrubby it is. That's a male, but I don't cull plants until I'm certain of the sex.
I recommend finding a grower that has cuttings, or if you live in a legal state that sells cuttings go that route. You will save so much time and you are guaranteed females.
Thanks for the help guys! I will definitely plant another and pray it's a girl. Unfortunately I don't live where it's legal so I have to go with some bag seed or if I have a connect with a homie from a legal state. Oh well.