male flowers on female plants 4 weeks in flowering

i have noticed i have male flowers on the bottom of my female plants, I'm very concerned about this. This is the second time this has happened, I'm not sure what to do or what even cause this to happen. I'm on my 5th week of flowing, and at first i thought it was just the strain but all my strains are doing this. So please weed forum help me out?


Active Member
don't really know too much myself, I have 2 suspected hermi, one of em had a lot male pods, and I picked them off whenever I saw them, now that plant is producing seeds I think. the other plant i have only had 2 or 3 footballs, I picked them off, and havn't seen any since, it also has more resin on it btw

I don't know if that helps, just my observation


Well-Known Member
whats your temp and humidity at? Do you have ABSOLUTE DARK when its the dark time? have you gone into your room when the lights are off and let your eyes adjust to see if there is ANY light coming in?


Zero light is best, but if you think about it, in nature, the plants are exposed to the light of the full moon.

The plants turning hermi could be either from the genetics, or the conditions in your grow area.


Hermi plants are usually due to the genetics and a few other things. Not really much you can do about it except keep picking the male pods off before they mature enough to pollinate your precious bud. Good Luck!


Active Member
its more probable that it is in the genetics not stress or light leak although this can be a possibility. Are you growing from bagseed? I know you say it was different strains but did they both come from bagseed or clone? a little more info would help. thanks