Male flowers in feminized Plants (Help)


Active Member
Has anyone got pictures of the different plowering stages of a male sack on a female plant please!!,

Due to recent issues, loosing 10 PPP (hermies), I'm really worried about the remaining babies, I'm trying be viligent however I need to know exactly what I should be looking out for do stop any potential onslaught,

Any suggestions or pictures would be much appreciated and of great help gentelmen


The Gardener
Yea its all in FAQ man ... Just keep a close eye right up the steam of the plant your looking for like a cluster of balls looks similar to a bunch of grapes ,,Look on FAQ thou there is some good stuff there that will keep you right.


Well-Known Member
you already had hermies...... look for the same thing.

am i missing something? cause it seems you answered your own question in your post.


Active Member
Orecal...I didn't notice the signs till it was to late and they are just seeds now OOuch.... tried serching the FAQ but can't seem to find anything, hence the post

trying again now FAQ,


The Gardener
Orecal...I didn't notice the signs till it was to late and they are just seeds now OOuch.... tried serching the FAQ but can't seem to find anything, hence the post

trying again now FAQ,
If your know what a male looks like then you no what a hermie will look like its just a plant with both sexs look at some male plant pics if you dont know .............I harvested 3 hermies last year and had no more than 30 seeds from them all it wasent really that bad.


Well-Known Member
If your know what a male looks like then you no what a hermie will look like its just a plant with both sexs look at some male plant pics if you dont know .............I harvested 3 hermies last year and had no more than 30 seeds from them all it wasent really that bad.
damn you got lucky, all my hermies I've pulled out as many pollen sacks as I could find yet still ended up with too many seeds than I cared to count. just made hash out of it all.


Active Member
Everyone of my 10 are completely stuffed with seeds. 75% of every bud, I have thousands of them, nightmare

This time I'm trying to keep an eye out for the males sacks, so I can remove them before they wreak my babies AGAIN... if i knew what to look out for then hopefully i can limit the damage perhaps, and here lies my problem, what do they look like on female plants???
I have little balls with white hairs protruding on nearly every node where the branch meets the stalk.... are these male sacks I wonder???


Well-Known Member
Orecal...I didn't notice the signs till it was to late and they are just seeds now OOuch.... tried serching the FAQ but can't seem to find anything, hence the post

trying again now FAQ,
yeah, look for pics of males plants, then look for those sacks on your females.

whats the oouch for? did you burn me or somethin? or did i offend you? sorry, my stoner mind has someshit go right over it.


Well-Known Member
if they have the white hairs stickin out then no, those are not what your looking for.


Active Member
... the smile and colour has reappeared on my cheeks, i thought they were the sacks of pollen (balls with white hairs) ... any pictures i find only show male sacks on males and not when starting to form on females... that's what i'd love to see, some pictures of them if at all possible ...


Well-Known Member
I dont have any. i know they are out there though. try looking up hermies in the pictures section. but the sacks will look EXACTLY the same as the ones on male plants. it'll just be at the nodes of a female. just pay attention and you will see. i was really worried about it when I first started, but it's really easy once you see one, you'll really notice how bad it may or may not be. mine were just like yours, about 75% seeds, and that was after I tried to pick off as many as I could.