male, female, no sex? New growth Help.

Dr. Danks

Ok so this is a new one for me Need some help. My plants are six weeks old and was looking for early signs of sex all my plants have signs of female hairs coming from the tear shaped pods located on the main stock.. except for one... where the pods or pollen sacks would normally develope I have new growth instead. This is a first for me and a little confused lol. Who can help me out?

Dr. Danks

If u look at the picture where the female and male part grow i have new groth instead directly where they are suppose to be and all my other plants have very clear signs and they have for almost two week now but this one is diffent i've been growing for a long time and i can only recall this happeni.g once and it eay a plant i already harvested from and was letting it grow for its sec gen