Male/Female Help


Hi everyone. This is my first grow and I started off with bag seed. I've had this plant flowering for about a 60 days now and up till now I was pretty sure it was a female. But now i'm starting to wonder. I'm to new to be able to say these are seed pods or "balls" and was hoping for some expert advice.



xXOnyxXx ya i've seen that pic many times, but I've also read that the plants form false pods as they mature. I just am not sure if this is a hermi or if this is false seed pods. Either way, suggestions? Should I just cut it down now and throw it out? Or can I cut it down and dry it out and have it be worth smoking? or should I just leave it go? Again first grow and still to new, hate to chop it and find out whoops it was just false seed pods. Thanks


Well-Known Member
if you have pistols and white preflowers and your getting seed pods your hermied if it has bud and its by itself let it go and pull the pods or clusters off let it finish and yould have some seedy weed