Male/Female (again sorry!)


Active Member
Hey, I'm about two and a half weeks into flowering. I've researched pretty well and looked at all the previous posts/pictures but I'm still not confident enough to tell if my plant is male or female. Probably too soon to tell anyway but in the picture of the top it is hard to tell but there are like ten little hair looking things I thought may have been pistils but I can't see anything resembling a pistil on the rest of the plant. Just since yesterday a little bulge has appeared at one of my nodes. Is this any indication? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
You're pictures are really unclear but once they start to show sex, you'll know. The white hairs that they show if their female are very distinct. The males however look like little balls where leave meets stem.

hope i helped, try for soem better pix mate. :peace:


Active Member
I think I'm starting to see some tiny little balls now actually. I figured the balls would appear before the leaves shown in the picture on the right at the nodes? The only thing that made me think female was the very top of the plant (and optimism of course) where I thought all the little hair looking things were pistils but were probably just new sets of leaves just forming or something.