MALE! can i make butter?


ok guys my biggest plant turned male, im almost 100% sure of it. if its not male its a hermie cause theres little balls all over it. but it doesnt really make a difference if its male or hermie because i have others that are females. so i guess my question is how do i go about making butter out of a male plant? will it even work? does a male plant have large enough amounts of thc to even make butter? do i just cut the whole thing down and let it all dry or what? ive never made butter so i guess im just asking for some tips and tricks on how to successfully get high off of a male plant. any input is much appreciated

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
I hope to god this male you speak of is at least a mile away from your ladies, even at that range theres a chance of pollination, next time you see a male, kill it immediately