WW is one of my favorite strains - I'm particular to Dutch Passion's seeds but that's just because I have grown them out many times.
What sort of daylight/night times are you experiencing now?
When you hit 12 hrs (light) & 12 (dark) is about when they typically start flowering. Since you got started a bit late you may be light on yield a bit but it's a learning curve we all have been through.
I don't see vermiculite in your soil - it is pretty important for drainage, if you re-pot use around 20-25% of the stuff - Cannabis does not like "wet feet"
Okay starting all over again from the beginning.
To answer your observations, I used sand to help with the drainage. The only perlite/vermiculite in my soil is what was in the Kellogg's organic soil. When in high school, I took a horticulture class. Way back then, the only time that we saw those two, were in "store bought" potting soil. Our horticulture teacher had us using sand in its place, so 40 years later that is what I did, all that I knew to do to get the desired results. Besides I can buy a 5 gallon bucket of sand for a dollar, waaaaaay cheaper than the other two.
Like I said I have restarted the grow since chickens ate my last plants. At least I think that it was the chickens. I have some wire cages to stop whatever it was this go round. I also have to use the fence wire cages to protect my tomatoes. I IMMEDIATELY restarted my seeds after the last ones went missing. It could have been a deer, as I saw a doe the other day when I checked on them. If you see something white on the plants, it isn't mold. I put on some diatomaceous earth to get rid of the bugs that were on my plants. Insects disappeared after I used the DE.
Anyway here are the ladies...
The last one started showing deformed leaves, so I threw a handful of composted horse manure on top of the soil and watered through it. The next set of leaves came out looking alright.