male and female autoflower grow for seeds

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
im planning on buying a pack of 12 random auto flowering bluebarrel ak seeds,

does anyone no an estimate of how many seeds i could get from each male plant? and if i got my females pollinated by the males how many seeds on average could the female give and would the females seeds be feminized?

thanks for any help
I did something similar to this and got 150 - 250 mature seeds per female. It doesn't matter how many males you have as long as you have at least one, it matters how many females.
oh, and the seeds will not be feminized. But you're gonna have so many damn seeds, you're not going to care if their femenized or not. They should show sex in 2 weeks after sprouting.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i thought you could get a lot of seeds of the males aswell, i was going to leave around 2-3 females with the males and seperate the rest for seedless bud

thanks for the info fellah
i thought you could get a lot of seeds of the males aswell, i was going to leave around 2-3 females with the males and seperate the rest for seedless bud

thanks for the info fellah
Not entirely sure what you mean. The males will not give any seeds, they just give pollen. Pollen floats on over to your females and sticks to their pistols.. and then seeds are made.

Beware, pollen is very good at finding fertile females. make sure your virgin plants are in a totally different room from your male(s) and that there is no way any air is shared between the two rooms.

good luck!