Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
I have been using the Scottyballs method where I only use Flora Nova Bloom the whole time. So yes I am using Bloom nutes! Have you ever used GH FNB? It is like mud! She seems to like it.
, sorry, bit confused, what u mean the whole time?? no i haven't used flora nova, i'm only educated in cyco, had good results throughout, but looking for something different soon, heard about the 2 part flora nova series.....nice and strong


Well-Known Member
ahh good stuff, so you just started using this stuff right?? u were using something else for veg?? i just got confused you saying you used bloom the whole time (scottyballs method or sumthin)


Well-Known Member
Hey FlowaMasta,

Yeah I was using Advanced Sensi A&B, Jungle Juice Grow and Micro, CalMag, ProTekt, Mad Farmer pH Down...

Now I just use H2O2, Superthrive, and GH Flora Nova Bloom. Look up Scottyballs thread. He uses a waterfarm (a pre-made system like yours), Flora Nova Bloom, and ScrOG to get a pound a plant.

This is what his roots looked like afterwards:



Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am always fiddling with my setup and I felt like she needed more light so I added two 2700K CFLs and a UV CFL.

pH 5.8
ppm 1040

Day 5 Flower Top:


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
liking the scrog
am a mag plus user and trying scrog 1st time.
having few issues on screen and damaging plants. will read through this journal see if can pick up few tips.
have lil early weekend rep


Well-Known Member
Hey MDB,
I was having the same problem with breaking the leaves. You might want to use a larger screen size. I also used LST to spread the plant out before I started using the screen.
This is my first ScrOG also! :P



Well-Known Member
Hi All,
She is drinking water but the nutes and pH have not changed.

pH 5.8
ppm 1040

Day 6 with lights:

After I get some camera advice from FlowaMasta I will take some Macro shots of the tips.



Active Member
Mohican awesome grow man, really interesting to see this strain grow, never ceases to amaze me how slow and patience required these sativas are to grow, your a very patient person. How long do you recon it'll be till harvest? guestimate?


Well-Known Member
No idea - as long as it takes. I do have a clone I moved outside last week and it is starting to look like it is not going to perish! :)


Well-Known Member
Here are the clone shots:

Clone day 20 - Outside for 4 days:

Clone day 22 - Outside for 6 days:

I also planted a tiny clone that was showing really big roots for such a tiny clipping. I will post pictures later.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mo! glad to see both your girls doing well, the clone may need some extra food in my opinion, i always give a feed after a week or so for the clones outside, except for the organics, they just got compost tea and water, plain and simple :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks MDB!
You get better at handling the leaves and figuring out which parts will willingly bend and which ones would rather snap. I thought the screen was for weaving the branches through but it is actually there so you can spread the plant apart and get all of the node sites to grow their own colas up through the screen. I raised my screen today to compensate for some of the stretch. I also want some of the branches to get a little beefier.



Well-Known Member
Happy Cinco De Mayo everbody! Lick the salt, drink the Cuervo 1800 shot, bite the lime...yum :)

So many chores today. Moved the screen up, moved the lights up, topped off the res, added a weird mix of nutes, aired out the steamy room, and installed my UVB CFL.

I took some pictures but my camera has had too many shots...or was that me? Anyway, I forgot to change the ISO setting from 3200 from my moon shots last night and ended up with some grainy pictures. Sorry...hic

I need to go out and take some tonight with the tripod if it is not too drunk/buzzed hehe

Here is a shot of my micro clone to see what happens. It had some great roots coming out of the RW:

Top View Natural:

Screen before I moved it:

Screen after I moved it:

New UVB Tropical light:

I am going outside now to howl at the moon!



Well-Known Member
It is very exciting to see my plant do what I have seen in other grow journals. She is stretching for the lights! No flowers yet but it is early. I took some tip shots but they are ugly because of my aformentioned camera bungle. I will try and clean them up and post them.