Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
She seems to be on "automatic" now and all I need to do is check the nutes and the pH (which keeps going up). The hydroton seems to be keeping wet and I can see a root coming out of the bottom of the net pot!

Day 37 top view:



Well-Known Member
pH today is back up to 6.2 so I added a few drops of pH down. I added another 110W 6500 K CFL (making two) and I am trying the H350 Magenta Kessil LED. Calibrated the Blue Lab pH pen because I was getting weird readings. Now it is working correctly!


And here is my first try at dry ice hash:

I used a 220 micron bag so I got more green in it than I wanted but it sure tastes like good ole hash from back in the day :)



Well-Known Member
Everything is going nicely. I turned the net pot so the bigger leaves would be under the CFLs. You can see the magenta LED color.

Day 40 TOP:



Well-Known Member
She (I hope) is growing much faster now. I do not know if it is the two CFLs or the LED or the nutes but I like it!

Day 41 Top:

Day 41 Side:

I am starting to wonder if this is really a Sativa - this is how I expected the leaves to look:

I have asked some of the gurus and they say the young leaves always look different than the mature leaves. Although I did grow some Hawaiian Sativa back in the day and it had skinny leaves right from the start!



Active Member
kewl grow, i been eyein up soem Malawi from Malberry ... im subbed for this one

those are deff sativa leaves
Agreed, your leaves look more like the sativa I was expecting with my Super Silver (which is supposed to be 90% sativa), but mine look pure indica compared to yours:


With that to compare, yours look very sativa, right??


Well-Known Member
Hi Ark - Yes your leaves do look more Indica but the plant shape is very bushy like Sativa:

Can't wait to see what your flowers look like!


Well-Known Member
So I ignored her for one day because I thought everything was running so smoothly I could just let her run and check on her less - wrong!

Day44 wilt:

Here are all of the bad things that could have caused it:

Res temps were high
My air pump was very hot so I put a fan blowing directly on the air pump. Now it runs cool and I do not have any high temp issues in my res.

pH was high
The pH can just go way up all of a sudden. One of the threads on here talked about taking the pH to 5.5 and letting it rise up to 6.2 and then lowering it again (usually takes about a week). That way your plant can access the different nutes available at different pH levels.

Clogged sprinkler head
One of my sprinklers had some pvc shavings stuck inside from the assembly. I cleaned it out and it works great now.

She perked back up:

Day 44 top:



Well-Known Member
She is looking much better today! I raised the LED a little higher to see if it is the light that is causing the wilt. I took a second tote lid with a hole and put on top of the first tote lid to prevent light from getting in the res.

Day 45 top:

Day 45 nodes:

Day 45 side:

Wilt returned that night?



Well-Known Member
The roots are getting longer and showing good fishbone. They look a little brown so I asked Lordjin if they were OK and he said I was fine - whew:


And here is a top shot with the second tote lid on top:

Adjusted the pH back down to 5.6. Keeping the ppm around 600.


Well-Known Member
She keeps growing! I turned off the LED because I did not think it was helping. Turned it back on and raised it to see if that works better.

Day 50 top:



Top with LED:



Well-Known Member
Welcome Pacific! Thanks for the compliment. I am hoping to go with a stainless steel tank when I save up enough money.


Well-Known Member
No big changes but she is getting bigger. I took the extra tote lid back off because I was woried I would not be able to remove it soon since the plant was getting bigger. I think I will cut it in half so I can slide each half on from the sides.

Day 51 Top Natural Light:

Top LED and CFL Light:





Well-Known Member
Did my res change today. I use my little pump from the 5 gallon setup and throw it in my res and pump the water out to my 5 gallon bucket. It is slow and easy and I can get most of the water out of the res.

Day 52 Top Natural Light



Well-Known Member
This was a freebie seed from my Attitude order. Thank you Nick at Holy Smoke for having such cool seeds!

Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Regular Seed:



Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Here is what I was doing before I changed to the Scottyballs method.

Here is what I put in my res:
- 7 gallons RO water
- 12 ml Pro-TeKt
- 30 ml Sensi A
- 30 ml Sensi B
- 30 ml H2O2 3%
- 3 ml JungleJuice Micro (for zinc)
- 2 ml JungleJuice Grow (like Cal-Mag)
- 3 ml SuperThrive
- 2 ml Mad Farmer Get Down pH

Results: 900 ppm and 5.4 pH - Darn! I was shooting for 600ppm and 5.8.
