Hey mo,
Looking good. I have had roots like yours, big time. Had that shit for 6mnths plus. I have done h2o2 treatment, and hold nothing against it, as I had results with the roots. I would look into this beneficial bacteria tea aswell, have a read up and see how you go.
It's the only thing that has given me amazing new root growth, and brought the fun of growing back.
I haven't figured this clash out 100%, but when you add this tea to a feeding schedule which has organic products, it clashes and creates a gelatin on the roots.... Bad. I had to stop using my organic cal/mag, and problem solved.
It's simple az honestly,
Earth worm castings,20kg bag will last forever, and are found at nurseries .
Beneficial bacteria powder, this has your good bacteria and fungi in a dormant form. Ask your hydro shop for 1 with trichoderma bacteria in it.
A jar of Molasses from supermarket.
2gal (8ish Litres ) water in a bucket.
Add 1 cup of earth worm castings
Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of molasses.
Add half a teaspoon of your beneficial bacteria powder
Add an air stone to this bucket for 48hrs. Then strain through a stocking to remove solids, and into milk bottles.
The tea should be kept in fridge to dumb/ slow down the beneficial bacterias. Once you put it in your Rez, the warmer air rich conditions will wake them up, and they will feed like crazy on your dead crap.
I add this tea every 4 days at 1 cup per gal of solution.
It's your call, I run dwc, so I don't have jets to think about. I would just strain very well for your application.
Will continue to follow your grow mo. All the best