Malana Cream?

The high is really nice. The cure has quite a ways to go still so the flavour isn't what it could be yet at this point, but it's already decent. I'd describe the high as blissful, relaxed without much body-buzz. You don't feel much of a "stone" feeling in your head, just a state of contentment and relaxation. Marked visuals when my eyes were closed. It feels like this stuff puts a smile on my face physically, and you get a really nice sense of contentment. Very very easy to just drift off to sleep if you're just lying there at rest, or, just as easy to be active and social.
I really have quite a bit of the stuff.. considering taking half and maybe making rso or maybe even butane oil.
I'd recommend growing this stuff and will definitely do so myself again (I have a couple of chucks I can experiment with too). Would still like to hear other accounts of your experiences with this strain too, will have to order more from RSC at some point.
LOL so true, real Malana Cream is some of the best hash you can get in India to this day. You can still get it there or in Amsterdam and hopefully one day soon in the USA...OR we can all be like Blueberry and take matters into our own hands!
OMFG imagine how good the equivalent in blueberry would taste!
OMFG imagine how good the equivalent in blueberry would taste!
I did make seeds with her, the early chuck was with afghani and I have 20 - 30 seeds of that( I was very careful with the pollen I didn't want a ton of seeds) then a couple weeks later after finding no more seeds I chucked again, this time pollen from a beastly, stinking GPS Cake N Chem male. I'm going to wait next season to test these as I have other projects now up and coming.
I've also been vaping the Malana and it is quite yummy that way as well.
I've never tried or even thought about breeding seeds until recently joining Riu, do I have as good a chance at making a good pheno as buying one?
If I've understood correctly I can pollinate different buds with different fathers so I wouldn't need to pollinate a full crop?
I've never tried or even thought about breeding seeds until recently joining Riu, do I have as good a chance at making a good pheno as buying one?
If I've understood correctly I can pollinate different buds with different fathers so I wouldn't need to pollinate a full crop?
Yes you can do that, just have to be very careful-I'd secure a plastic bag over each branch before you start, then replace it after pollinizing each branch-for a few days at least, don't want to get bud rot! That's how I do it when I breed my chili peppers-just be sure to label each branch. Breeding any kind of plant is fun.
LOL I was wondering, that plant was one giant living bud. I just love the high from the himalayan charas sativas, not the highest THC percentage (because it's for hash!) but just the clearest, zero anxiety, creative high. Congrats!
Hey Rurumo glad to see another chilihead in here! I'm currently running purple and white varieties of bhut jolokia (ghost pepper), a gorgeous Chocolate Bhutlah and in veg I have a Ghengis Khan Brain coming. This past season I did a cross which I haven't tested yet, cayenne X Chocolate Habanero, can't wait to see all kinds of weirdo phenos in that this Spring!!
I went for a break just now 1st spliff of the day and it was a nice fat one of this stuff. Obviously it's still not cured enough but a distinct earthy himalayan taste is already coming through. I have to add, this one is a HUGE mood pick-er-upper!!! I have to explore either more of this one (will have to get more seeds) or I can still do similar tests with my other sativa strains I have here - if others are like this, the Rasoli, Kumoani I also have the Mango Thai as well as a bunch of Malawi ...
this was my first real sativa grow, I can say the "sativas" they have at legal dispensaries is nothing like this! She may not look like much with those big fluffy buds, bot WOW:eyesmoke:
I'm lucky enough to have snagged some beans from Malana India years ago and have them stored and ready to go someday. Your experiences give me hope that I have something good on my hands. :-)

I bet that stuff would be fantastic processed as ice hash.
For the sake of marijuana,
pop. them. beans.
and let the pollen fly.

Genetics gathered at the point of origin deserve to be preserved.
Hey Rurumo glad to see another chilihead in here! I'm currently running purple and white varieties of bhut jolokia (ghost pepper), a gorgeous Chocolate Bhutlah and in veg I have a Ghengis Khan Brain coming. This past season I did a cross which I haven't tested yet, cayenne X Chocolate Habanero, can't wait to see all kinds of weirdo phenos in that this Spring!!
I went for a break just now 1st spliff of the day and it was a nice fat one of this stuff. Obviously it's still not cured enough but a distinct earthy himalayan taste is already coming through. I have to add, this one is a HUGE mood pick-er-upper!!! I have to explore either more of this one (will have to get more seeds) or I can still do similar tests with my other sativa strains I have here - if others are like this, the Rasoli, Kumoani I also have the Mango Thai as well as a bunch of Malawi ...
this was my first real sativa grow, I can say the "sativas" they have at legal dispensaries is nothing like this! She may not look like much with those big fluffy buds, bot WOW:eyesmoke:
Oh gosh, you're in for a treat, the world of landrace Sativas is vast! I can highly recommend everything I've had from Ace....the Real Seed Company has lots of stuff I want to try-I'm going to grow out their Nanda Devi at some point next year (along with Malana Cream), and be sure to check out the Indian Landrace Exchange Collection-they have some mouthwatering stuff-they have a plant I want so bad right now I can taste it...but I can't justify spending another $100 on seeds I can't grow out until I finish my new space! I would love to grow out every single strains from each of these places. My next grow is going to be some random Fem seeds I have lying around...I'm saving all my RSC and Ace reg seeds for next year when I finish my new grow room-I want to have the space to clone every single seed and save the males.

I do love my Chilis, but I had a bad year for too far north and I always try to grow long season Chilis. Some years I make it, but this year I didn't-all of my bhut jolokias and habanero varieties died in an early freeze, but I did harvest a bunch of the New Mexico State U. orange jalapenos, which is a really cool pepper-super vigorous plants.
I do love my Chilis, but I had a bad year for too far north and I always try to grow long season Chilis. Some years I make it, but this year I didn't-all of my bhut jolokias and habanero varieties died in an early freeze, but I did harvest a bunch of the New Mexico State U. orange jalapenos, which is a really cool pepper-super vigorous plants.
How far north are you? I live in Eastern Ontario. I had all my peppers out 3rd week of May and I had to harden them off for the outside, but the weather was decent this year, I got a ton of TrinidadScorpion, Chocolate Habs, Golden Habs, Cayenne and ScotchBonnet. We made a ton of fermented hot sauce and chili powders!
I'm lucky enough to have snagged some beans from Malana India years ago and have them stored and ready to go someday. Your experiences give me hope that I have something good on my hands. :-)

I bet that stuff would be fantastic processed as ice hash.
Please do a preservation if you can. Malana is one of those areas that is rapidly being polluted with outside genetics. If yours are from a while ago, they should still be pure.
Still kicking myself that I didn't take a cutting or two! I would have loved to run this one without seeding her, I imagine the quality of the smoke would have been much better.
Today I took what was left (still had quite a lot!) and did a ice-water extraction. I have a nice mini 'temple-ball' of Malana Cream now ... so... I don't have any gear for dabbing or that kind of thing... any advice on how to smoke it? (I don't want to mix with other types of flower I have here)

thanks :)
Still kicking myself that I didn't take a cutting or two! I would have loved to run this one without seeding her, I imagine the quality of the smoke would have been much better.
Today I took what was left (still had quite a lot!) and did a ice-water extraction. I have a nice mini 'temple-ball' of Malana Cream now ... so... I don't have any gear for dabbing or that kind of thing... any advice on how to smoke it? (I don't want to mix with other types of flower I have here)

thanks :)
Nectar collector