Making the most of your harvest


Active Member
Awesome. I'll be balming it up next chance I get. Maybe aloe vera instead of beewax?
I would imagine it is like getting scissory hash all over your hands.
I imagine making charas would make my hands feel like the balm diggity stickity ickity.


Scientia Cannabis
This is what I usually get out of a harvest:

Prime bud is cured and smoked as is.
Smaller buds/weak buds are sometimes used for hash oil, sometimes for kief, sometimes I actually just use the weak buds together with the trim if I don't feel like making hash oil and hash (it takes me a while to get through my oil).
Trim is used to make hash (several qualities).

Everything else is discarded, I realize it's not as environmentally viable as making a pipe out of a stem but not everyone can be an artist hehe.