Making The Forum Private So Only Registered Members Can Access It


Well-Known Member
anyone else this is a good idea? i mean any john handcock can view the site without even signing up....see what were saying, doing, in some cases who we are?

and also something to prevent retarded people from doing shit like this :|



Well-Known Member
anyone else this is a good idea? i mean any john handcock can view the site without even signing up....

also something to prevent retarded people from doing shit like this

i'm confused, how would that prevent anything, he was a registered member.


Master of Mayhem
I agree to a certain extent......the majority of people come here to learn how to grow, so we should give them that much. I think we should leave the growing section public, and everything else private. That way the people who are regulars can talk shit like we do or post pics of ourselves and not have to worry about any Tom, Dick, or Harry seeing it. But even then, if someone was here to get us, all they would have to do is register, and then browse through wherever they wanted.


Well-Known Member
Fools need a place to practice what they are good at doing. If an individual idiot gets way out of hand the moderators can moderate. I think things work pretty funny now.