making some potent ass cannabutter


Well-Known Member
It's on the stove simmering now... another 4 hours to go until I throw that bitch in the fridge. :blsmoke:
I'm making a 1/2 pound of butter, and used like 40 grams of stems/buds/shake.

I was honestly surprised, like jaw droppingly surprised how much THC I was able to accumulate just from 22 grams of STEMS. WOW! After I put that shit through my coffee grinder, there had to be like an 1/8th of just THC...

Anyway, I'm making cannabutter cuz I'm out of weed - and need to get high! :cuss:

I've made this shit before, but not using nearly this much stuff. I'm gonna get super high.

I'll post back in a few hours when it ready after I've consumed it.


Well-Known Member
So, the cannabutter is done.
I strained it through a triple layer cheesecloth, and squeezed out every last remaining bit possible.

Now it's in the fridge cooling, should be ready in a few hours.
Smells good as fuck, not to mention my whole apartment wreeks


Well-Known Member
What are you making with it? If you have plenty, I'd try melting some on some popcorn. Then while you much on it, watching a movie, you get higher and higher :D A gradual way of doing it. Then drink any butter on the bottom of the popcorn bowl lol.


Well-Known Member
putting it on different shit

it doesn't taste very good...

hopefully I get high I will report back..

(eating as we speak)


Well-Known Member
hes still stoned or the first recorded death from weed.... but it was the fat in the butter that actually caused the heart attack lol.....but you know they will blame it on the harmless herb not the massive quantity of butter.


New Member beat me out to the lengthy clever reply man that was a good one! His body will be burried with a smile not even the mortician could remove


Well-Known Member
DAMN! I totally forgot all about this thread... I forgot to sub to my own thread...

Anyway.... it turned out good... I brought the water to a boil... added the big hunks of butter.... let it boil.... add the material.... simmer for a few hours... like 4... let it sit in the fridge overnight and then take it out and drain the wastewater...

gets you pretty fucking high.... and yes, my buddy and I ate the whole lot of it and were really fucked up all day.

Attached pics of the final product



Well-Known Member
should have melted in some white chocolate and added some mint extract and poured it over chocolate ice cream............. good to see your still alive lol


New Member
Yeah thank the fuck christ I can stop subscribing to this thread lol. I made a batch tonight, got 8 oz of butter and used 3.4 in a batch of rice krispie treats w fruity pebbles mixed in. 2.1 oz treat eaten 1.75 hours ago and a ridiculous body stone set in now. Ate that dose over 2 hours in 2 pieces..might try a 3rd in another hour lol. . Good stuff brothers....the ratio I have found is 2 oz trim to 1lb of butter or 1 oz of bud or 4 oz leaf material all per lb of butter...hope this thread helps someone...i just odnt see how lol, night all imgona go get my gf to play with my jack johnson


Well-Known Member
Tips for some cannabutter newbies.. I've made butter a billion times. You don't want it at a boil or you burn THC off. You want it ROILING. ie., just bubbling and moving the matter around, but not a vigorous boil or you really fuck up the potency. Also.. 40 minutes of roiling should work perfectly. My rule of thumb was always 1/4 oz. of kind to a lb. of butter or 1 oz. of shake / schwag per lb. of butter. Now.. if you have fine trimmings or such, maybe 3/4 oz. or so. I used to make cookies that were half cannabutter and half normal so that I could eat a few cookies. It really sucks when you use a full stick of cannabutter in the cookies, then eat one cookie, get WASTED, then get the munchies and actually fear eating another cookie. Personally, I don't like being out of control high and 1-2 cookies at full strength, for me, was like reatard land.. on my kitchen floor drooling.

Moral of the story.. you boiled.. and way too long. You would have been a billion times higher if you'd done as I described. ;)

+rep, though, for cannabutter, my man.

oh yeah.. tip.. fry an egg on it or make french toast with it as the grease. YUM!


Well-Known Member
I did the French Toast thing a few weeks ago and it was great! Had a little bit left and figured, why not? My Sunday breakfasts are usually quite large but I was drinking the night before and didn't feel like cooking up the normal feast. Made 4 slices of FT and used the last remaining bit of cannabutter and a bit of normal butter and it had me buzzing along very nicely for about 3-4 hours. Best part was, after about 5 hours the hangover was gone and I felt normal again. Great way to start the day, nutricious and healing :lol:.