Making organic peticides


Active Member
good luck on the research buddy, when you finish and if it works better, you can call it the mightier wash.:lol:

i have no doubts that the guy who came up with it did exactly the same thing you are doing.

other than giving a little rundown on the extraction process, how about some advice on controlling these pesky white flies on all outdoor plant species?

there is almost nothing you can't conquer with neem, ladybugs, diatomaceous earth, and mighty wash


Well-Known Member
potroast said:
polyarcturus said:

can you move this to concentrate and extracts i want to put it out of the lime light while the matierial i need grow thx, i dont know why but it keeps attracting troll like crazy i posted a few times when a few of my friends where talking back(they lost interest with all the tech talk) then the troll just started in on it. i know im on to something and would like to keep the thread around to put up the info from my experiments for other.

thx poly, yes i know that was a long winded explanation.


Sorry for the delay in responding, I use the Rollitup account now. :mrgreen:

That thread does not belong in Extracts. And it was going fine until you started being a dick, telling someone that their response doesn't belong in Advanced.

Maybe I'll move the thread to Newbie Central.


thats the adult attitude :/


Well-Known Member
explain exactly how i was a dick? because i dont want to discuss neem? something i know works? i just wan alternative ther is no one answer to organic gardening.

im cringing my face in disgust with your behavior as "SITE ADMIN" try to be more unbiased.


Active Member
I saw two dicks intros thread, you were not one of them. Btw, capcasim (peppers) don't kill some bugs, I planted a garden this past spring and although the aphids which took over my garden didn't touch the jalapenos the grasshoppers (leafhoppers to some) devoured my plants whole, they even munched on the bottoms of some of the peppers after stripping all of the leaves. I have some diazinon concentrate which kills everything, I would never use it indoors or near my plants, but I use it outside. I found that spraying diesel around the entrance to my grow area (yes this is organic blasphemy) helped reduce active insects in my grow area. Using 90% alcohol in a spray bottle kills all insects I have encountered within seconds, and belie e it or not doesn't hurt plants, I even sprayed directly onto my roots and leaves of clones. I had fungal gnats pretty bad earlier this year, bti alcohols and fly strips saved me. I also used neem and azatrol but it only seemed to slow them down, it never got rid of them. Do christanthamums repel insects? Sorry spell check didn't know that word any better than I.


Well-Known Member
yeah chrysanthemums contain pyrethrin. i collect and freeze my flowers right off the plant ill i have enough to make a concentrate with. i also collect marigold flowers which contains more organic insecticide.

ive used alchohol with great success, but ive also fried my plants with it.

i plan on growing som rosemary soon as it works very well and so does extracted tomato stems and leaves.

capsacian from hot peppers is just one of the many organic options.


Active Member
i always battle mites myself. i started submergeing them in a water bucket upside down .worked pretty well actully .neem helped a bit but didnt stop them. i thought i cleaned my room good enough. i found a few this new grow but ive been useing a mix of peroxide and they either gave up and left ,or died i dont know lol they aint eating my new plants thats all i know sorry this is not advanced ?
I have found that no matter what derivative of pyrithrin I use, they become immune to it. Neem+Dawn works everytime. and 100% organic if you get the right dish soap.
Great advice, Neem oil and Dawn are really effective.A light tobacco tea with a drop or two of dawn is pretty darn good also.K.I.S.S. is something I try to live by.It stands for KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID....