Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!


Well-Known Member
Lol, I stay in a pretty green area though, looks like the french countryside. Vineyards and mountains etc., I even have a river across the street.


Well-Known Member
which includes deserts and rogue nations by the dozen...
Trust me, the moment you stick your nose out of SA you know you're in africa
So you stick to the pysches you know... None of those voodoo snuffs!

Iboga is one hell of a trip inside your mind and a possible cure for some mean ass addictions


Well-Known Member
lol, actualy I'm groing some duimpie (little thumb) snuff, or rather I just planted their seeds this week.

Iboga is also potentialy fatal.


Well-Known Member
OK, i've basified the solution, now going to start xylene pulls and salting that with H20 + HCl.


Well-Known Member
After a few interuptions I'm proud to say that the first product is busy drying... clear as glass :)


Well-Known Member
hehe, ppretty, well, I' mstill gonna do cold acetone washes to clean out the xylene first.


i'm definately gonna be trying my hand at an extraction here in the near future.... mescaline is one of the few natural hallucinogens that has eluded my grasp...