how do u make hash without using bubble bags and other expensive equiptment like that?

Go to google, type in these exact words without the quotes "hash making" and then go to the first link and there should be DIY stuff that you can do without bubble bags and etc. When I made my hash, I used the blender method, as stated on that website.
that is a great method as well, but can be messed up.... and some people are very uncomfortable with putting their weed in ice water.... the dry sieve method is fool proof... no way to completely ruin your product....
the blender method is great though... just google "gumby hash"
I was finding this post very interesting, but gave up after I had to keep rereading stuff over and over.some crazy shit i seen some1 do was get a pvc pipe and a top 4it and taped a really fine screen to the other end and took a whole OOnion grinded up packed it n the pvc pipe put the top on it drilled a lil hole threw the top of it so he could spray 2cans of that butain lighter fluid shit and as he did some liquid had driped in2 his glass bowl he was holdin under the screen,, and with n seconds it evaperaited and around the bottom of the glass bowl left behind was like a black tar substances he scraped off the bowl and then he sain theres your hash lol motel days but yeah thats what i saw and no i didnt hit that shit, ive smoked hash be4 butt that was the first time i seen some butain shit