Making hash,first time.

Alright, I'm gonna try out making some hash I'm gonna be using the water ice and bag method looking for any mistakes that could be made does the leaves have to be dry or fresh?

Heres the way I understand it only thing I'm not sure of is if the leaves have to be dry or not

1 water leaves and small chunky ice in bucket blend for like 20 mins
2 filter bucket through biggest sized bag to get leaves out of water
3put bags in another bucket starting with smallest to biggest
4 pour water into new empty bucket with the bgs in it
5 shake bags gently to let water strain through
6 scrape hash out of each bag once water has strained through
7 dry
8 smoke

Thanks, mike


Active Member
Okey dokey-- 1st- make sure the trim is VERY dry and Freeze it overnight-- you want the trichomes brittle so they break-off in the ice water.

We use 2 separate buckets to save wear & tear on the bags... fill the bucket 1/4 way with ice-then the weed- then more ice to take it to the 1/2 way point-- then enough really cold water to just come over the ice.

You can mix by hand or with an electric mixer-- but we found that a paint-mixer on an electril drill really tops em all!

Mix for 15-20 minutes then pour the concoction into the bags in the other (clean) bucket and let them sit 20 minutes.

Pull the bags one at a time, shake gently- you CAN squeeze the 1st bag that holds the large plant matter- but don't squeeze any of the others-- you want the bottom to stay as flat as possible (unless using cone-bags of course!) But squeezing the other bags forces the trich's out thru the mesh- and you don't want to lose all that hash!

After you pull them all and have scraped-out the hash- dump the plant matter back into the other bucket and re-set all your bags for another run... add more ice if needed , stir 15-20 minutes, dump into the bags, and let it sit for 20... and pull them again!

You'll get about 1/2 as much the 2nd run- but it's better than losing it down the drain! ;)

We squeeze out ours in the drying cloth- then crumble it onto heavy paper towel to dry overnight to get all the water out... you can use as-is, or press it at that point.

Have Fun!!! ENJOY! :D