Active Member
Of course it is devilish - that is the whole idea, it doesn't make me a devil any more than wearing a man on a cross makes you jesus.
Well bro i never claimed to be jesus or to even wear a cross. To my knowlege the cross is and was a killing machice used to "kill" jesus. Idk why ppl give it so much praise.
i thought an upside down pentagram was ,dare i say it....a STAR. a baphomet is an imagined deity, just like every other deity. to say it is evil is subjective, it's a symbol. symbols can't be evil any more than the word "god". the only things that "makes" them evil is that you actually legitimize evil as a thing, when in fact, it's not. it can be an action that you "believe" is evil (or broken your moral code), and to me it could be perfectly normal. personally, i think belief in any god is evil. you relinquish your own well being to the words of others, not deities.
Yea I feel you on that its really not evil its justt all the stuff its associated with. Or mabey its the fact its not in its orginal god given form. Also i know that looking 4 a outward god is wrong.