making female pollen


Well-Known Member
Hello all ,
I have a blue dream female plant that I just harvested , but left about 3 lower buds on. Now I want to stress the fem to create pollen sacks , but I dont want to use CS.
I took her out of the tent and turn the room light on and off a few times a day and am letting her dry out , hoping that she will through nanners out trying to survive.
Will this work ?
What other kind of stress can I put on the chopped plant with 3 buds left?
I am also assuming that being mostly chopped down is also a form of natural stress.


Well-Known Member
Errr...wouldn't you be better off cloning it if you want to grow more? Let it re-veg in 18/6 then take cuttings. Then if you want seeds you can pick a tasty male and do it the old fashioned way.


Well-Known Member
probably the best bet is re-veg the plant then stress it when you re-bud it.... its now just trying to survive its own life so it will try and revive itself so if you help it revive itself then do your stress you might get nanners.. but from my experience with the blue dream is it's to stable to get her to herm on me.. i had a clone that was just beat the fuck up and not cared for at all and she still produced fairly big ol buds.., great breed imho..


Well-Known Member
Lol , that's pretty funny.
I'll try that if all else fails.
Bass1014 , I want to cross the BD with a really nice GDP pheno that I have been running. I have BD clones , so I'm not worried bout more BD seeds. I wanna get a really nice BDxGDP hybrid. If I can pollinate one branch on the GDP , I can get a good amount of fem seeds so I can find a good pheno from the cross.


Well-Known Member
Hello all ,
I have a blue dream female plant that I just harvested , but left about 3 lower buds on. Now I want to stress the fem to create pollen sacks , but I dont want to use CS.
I took her out of the tent and turn the room light on and off a few times a day and am letting her dry out , hoping that she will through nanners out trying to survive.
Will this work ?
What other kind of stress can I put on the chopped plant with 3 buds left?
I am also assuming that being mostly chopped down is also a form of natural stress.
Thanks seems to me you have failed to do enough research to fully understand this process.

i can post links to threads that can help you if you like but what you are describing is guaranteed to fail, without doubt.



Well-Known Member
From what I have read , breeders make female pollen and pollinate a sibling of the pollen producer to get fem seeds


Well-Known Member
...because you don't know what you are doing bro, you think you do but you don't and i mean no offense, it's just a fact proven by what you've written here.

first, the method you are attempting is called rhodalization and basically all that means is you let a flowering plant continue flowering way past it's 'done' date in the hopes that it will hermie, ...not very reliable at the best of times and flat impossible with some strains.

plus, you are attempting this on a plant that you've just harvested so despite the fact that you've left some vegetation, right now that plant's best shot is at revegging, not feminizing.

...i know you've said you don't want to use CS and frankly i wouldn't recommend it at this time myself but here is a thread on feminizing using CS that discusses the feminization process in some detail, enough so you'll learn why what you are attempting won't work.

My first colloidal silver generator (photos) i said bro, i mean no offense and i only jump in to save you from several wasted weeks that will end in failure, ...instead focus your attention on revegging that plant if you like it so you'll have a gene pool to work with, then take clones and force one to turn and use it's pollen to pollinate it's clone sister.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Bozo ,
I have never done breeding , so u are correct , I don't know what I'm doing. I have some clones of the plant , how do I get them to pollinate without using CS?


Well-Known Member
give them a radical light schedule
burn them with foliar sprayed nutes a couple times in a row
cs or gibberellic acid you need mostr research to use gibb
STS also has been proven to work
a Aspirin crushed up in a gallon of water then water with this normally for 3 waterings is supposed to work

just a question why are you not wanting to do a chemical induce herm? any reasons

BEST one hands down to get a plant to hermi IS NOT WANT IT TOO!!!!!!! works every time :) jk jk


Well-Known Member
Rather not use chemicals if I don't have too
You water your plants with chemicals.
You will probably have a frustrating time and fail.
If colloidal silver is used properly, it is completely safe.

If you take the amount of colloidal silver I use to turn one plant, you could drink that 10 times over with out hurting yourself.
People consume colloidal silver all the time for many different things in amounts much greater than you would use on a plant.


Well-Known Member
silver is already IN cannabis
gibberellic acid is a plant hormone that is naturally found in plants


Well-Known Member
OK , I think I will try it if you all use it.
Where can I buy it?
Can u guys post some links so I can read how to use it properly?
Thanks everyone.
One more question:
Once I take the female out of flower room and pollinate a couple branches , can it ever go back into flower room , or will it contaminate the whole room?


Well-Known Member
cs is actually good for you i take it if i get ear infections and what not.
...this is what it looks like if you over do it a bit. ...Trousers is right, cs is very safe in this application.

peace, bozo

btw, if you go check out that link i posted you might could learn how to make and use the stuff, ...just sayin'.