making colloidal silver solution first time


HI all you advanced growers !!! anyone into this making fem seeds ? I just build a STS generator to make my own solution. its out there now burning up 2 pure 1955 pure silver 50 cent pieces !!! (not sure thats cost affective) any way I read several good treads pertaining to this subject on RIU thank your very much ! but do to the variable types of power packs used from 9 volt batterys that take over night to work to a plug in power packs that range from 18 - 24-36 volts that work faster but how the heck do you determine the ppm which needs to be 30 ppm. My pack is a 36 volt 1.5 amp unit which should work faster the low voltage units . Any techy guys or galls out there that can tell how to test the PPM to make sure my solution is the correct strength ? so I wont be spraying water on my plant hoping seeds pop up............ or any other tips ?............thanks


Well-Known Member
Being over 30ppm won't hurt you. If you have an accurate balance you can weigh the silver before and after and figure out how much went into solution. Just make sure it's concentrated enough to to react to a laser pointer shined at it.


Well-Known Member
but a PPM tester..

Hanna Instruments TDS 1 is used for Colloidal Silver and other things.

I started spraying my Blue Dream clones today with 150PPM and will move up to 500PPM until it starts to change.

there is a thread in this forum(Breeder's Paradise) on how to create Feminized seeds. I know this because I made it this morning. :) all the info you need on it is in there.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've had success with 15ppm only spraying sporadically over a week.
Sprayed a total of maybe 10 times. Used the pollen and got a few hundred seeds.
Run it for 24 hours, and it'll be good.
Using more volts and higher amps will create larger particles which will not work as well.
9 volts at between .3 and 1 amp will work better.


Hey thanks for the reply's, that was very helpful !! I will look up that tread . I did get a lot of large particles with the 36 volts , I let it work for 2 hours stirring occasionally the 50 cent coins developed a film over them in that time then stained it through a coffee filter to get out the large particles and treated the lower limbs of 2 strains I would like to get pollen from. I will set up a 9 volt system and let run 24 hrs per your advise Taviddude and try that also. thanks for the line on the tester Sxistew appreciate that to. It seems your all getting results with each of your methods which is encouraging I might not be :wall: to bad !! ............... Peace and thanks ;-)


Well-Known Member
Remember that your Hanna meter is giving you a ppm number based on the EC which you'll need to look up a conversion factor to ppm for CS. Take a before and after reading to account for anything in the water. Your meter might not pick u anything but even RO/distilled water has impurities. I used to have to use double and triple distilled water for some things in the lab.


thank you Mreduck for that insight , I have another question on safety since reading more . Seems a difference in opinion from different treads on the subject of using any bud off plants treaded with sc . I have treaded some lower limbs on a couple plants, does that mean I should not use the buds that are on top of that plant ? If that's the case may as well treat the whole plant and get as much pollen to store for latter it would seem. Nobody wants to waste good bud :bigjoint: but safety is more important for sure.


Well-Known Member
Silver is prety safe and you wouldn't be consuming very much. I treat an entire plant to make it male and it will just go in the trash once he's shot his load.


Up date : Well have bin treating a couple lower buds/limbs now for 10 days . flowering has started but no sign of any balls.....:sad:..... bummer I was hoping to get a few my solution must be to week !


Well-Known Member
10 ppm works as well just takes more applications 2 oz over a week showed slight male signs last time i did it


Well-Known Member
it will show in the two weeks following application
two weeks of spraying and then 2 weeks to flip just like when you flip the lights to 12/12 takes a couple weeks usually to show


Cool, that's good news might get some balls yet !!8-) totally stoked about making some fem seeds on next grow.


Well-Known Member
U know u can pick up colloidal silver on the cheap?! Just got 2 oz of 30 ppm for $7 delived off of amazon. Would prob make life alot easier!


Ya I know your right , it would be easier to buy it . But I am into all this home made stuff......... make my own wine , whiskey :mrgreen:, brandy, liqueurs, smoked fish, kielbasa sausages ,cloning machine etc. so had to give the silver generator a try :)

Tha CHillz

Active Member
This is my first time using colloidal silver but I seem to be having luck. I used 50ppm silver mist sprayed once a day. That seemed to be a little much because half the branch died and fell off after about 10 days. When that happened I stopped and a couple days after that I start seeing balls. I'm about 17 days into flower20130913_174742(1).jpg


Nice your first try was a success , mine was a bust......... no balls ! one plant I had to toss when I discovered it was male that was almost funny. Infact this hole grow has bin a disappointment to my superior skills and intellect. Damaging my self confidence and creativity , more over I have determent the need to now leave this post in embarrassment and shame . But there is hope, In my leave I promise to double my cannabis use to open my mind and will take ample time to reflex to better myself for the next best grow ever :bigjoint:.............


Well-Known Member
If you're using distilled water there aren't enough impurities in it to possibly burn the plant. They have fucked up responses sometimes from what I've seen of other people's CS projects.


Well-Known Member
im almost positive i had some shotty water the first time around
said distilled
but from the way it was tarnishing up the electrodes the color was off from the second bottle of water i had the first batch had orange almost tarnish second was black
i dont know the ppm i got from it but right under a 1/4 gram of silver went into 2 quart mason jars :)
still have my milli scale from the JWH days