making classic black hash??

a jon

Well-Known Member
so i've tried screening , bubble bags, oil with added dry power, but none seem to turn out like the black-dark brown hash i smoked back in the day, i just love the taste of that stuff....anybody know how it is made???


Well-Known Member
It might of been made with isopropyl alcohol. I've made it with that and it turned black and tasted like honey

a jon

Well-Known Member
yeah i've made oil with isopropyl alcohol but it's not what i'm after, i guess its hard to understand what i'm after by just saying classic black hash but a few years back it seemed to be the only type around, not quite as potent as some of the techniques around now but i've been craving that smell and taste of it

a jon

Well-Known Member
thanks...but yeah that is the screening technique i used and it didn't turn out the way i want,i found it more of a harsh crystal tasting hash and mind turned out pretty light color...i may have not done it quite right though.


Active Member

We just made some yesterday. I used the butane method and got some really nice black hash oil. It is super potent....The one-hitter quitter... LOL

...there are a ton of people who make it and everyone has a little different method. I recommend you use as much butane as you can. When you extract make sure to use steel or a brass tube (no copper)Also, once you have extracted use a double broiler n to get all residual butane gas out of the oil. This will also let the oil on the sides/bottom of the glass float to the surface making it really easy to collect. I also use a butane torch to heat the surface of the oil to let the gas escape. You should let it heat for at least 25-30 minutes before cooling it and collecting it. If you have questions PM me. You will be very happy with the results and it is really easy to do.