Making anhydrous ethanol for QWET extraction

Do a Youtube search for drying off alcohol/Ethanol using salt or salting alcohol/Ethanol.
Apparently you can use potassium carbonate or table salt.

Haven't tried this yet but is interesting.
If I drink isopropyl alcohol I will go blind.

Without lab testing how do I know I do not have residue?

I am a med user so worry about those things.

Yes isopropyl would be radically cheaper.
Your thinking of Methyl Alcohol. Yes if you drink that it will blind you among other nasty things. ISO is a little different and not as poisonious, but I am in no way condoning drinking ISO. Just clarifying. ISO is much closer to Ethyl Alcohol.
In my state I can't purchase 190 proof Everclear so I have been researching ways to increase proof. Yes, I could distill it again however I was looking for a cheaper alternative and I stumbled across this:

You CAN get it shipped to your door
Slightly cloudy if it wasn't filtered makes plenty of sense I think. When I soaked weed in Makers Mark Whiskey it got slightly cloudy, and when I poured it over ice it got super cloudy when the water from the ice mixed in.
Slightly cloudy if it wasn't filtered makes plenty of sense I think. When I soaked weed in Makers Mark Whiskey it got slightly cloudy, and when I poured it over ice it got super cloudy when the water from the ice mixed in.
That happens with Pastis when you pour it in cold water, it is like Ouzo, very refreshing that way,