Kottonmouth king15
Well-Known Member
the clone is a new edition.it may have came to her with it.shes been raising others without a problem.
Right now the room is not operating fully. I just have them in the closet. I had regular florescents but just switched in the last week to 2x4 t5 8light 432 watts. We cut a hole in the floor and put a screen over it for intake of cool air from under the house. There is a six inch charcoal filter and can fan for exhaust and it is 70 degrees. We actually just covered the intake because it was too cold in there. It was probably in the 60's before we covered it.fumble, yes that is PM, it takes up to a week for a plant to show signs of PM. So its been infected. Need to battle that shit quickly man or else it will spread like wildfire and wipe your grow out!
I recommend Serenade (the bottle on the left): http://www.serenadegarden.com/docs/SG-QuickReferenceCard-single page-11.pdf
I am pretty sure they sell this in Home Depot , Lowes and WalMart.
It doesn't do any damage to your plants but smells like a sharp vinegar! Stinks really bad but works very good! You need to assure you have good circulation in your grow room. What are your temps like and how do you exhaust your grow???
If you need anymore info on PM let me know, I had a outbreak of it last year and won the battle.
glad to see you're gonna keep growing ABM.And I am finally here.Looking at getting a tent and a 400 to run 2-4 plants indoor year round.
But I am just going to poke into your thread for a while till I get everything together.
Yeah Stoney I am STONED-SKI!!!! LOL I am smoking some dry ice Chemband hash!!!hahahaha no, i meant the guy that KMK saw face plant into the blacktop!