Make Your Own Wallmount Fans


Active Member
Wallmount fans...awesome item. Not so much an awesome price. After scouting around for some fans to mount in my room I noticed that this buggers had quite a hefty price tag on them, so I came up with an idea that has worked pretty well to where you can make 2 wall mount oscillating fans for about 3/4 of the cost of one store bought one. Its pretty simple.

What you'll need:

1) El cheapo oscillating fan(s) that can fit in your budget. I would suggest something with 3 selectable speeds. (The low tends to be pretty nice for air movement on tender plants.) Pick em up at a target or Wal-mart or wherever for around 15-20 bucks.

2) Head over to Radioshack and look for antenna mast wall mounts. (I used the 4" clearance one. 15-883 for $13.99) They come two in a package if you want to build two fans. If not you can just build one.

It comes with some mounting hardware but depending on grow room construction you may need mounting hardware, 2X4, or whatever. You know what youll need if anything.

Now make your measurements of where the fan needs to go for maximum air flow , while taking into consideration that the fan will oscillate so make sure it doesnt hit any plants as well.


Step One- Take the oscillating fan out of the box. Leave the stand and bottom half in the box.

Step Two- Take out the top half and the fan head and attach the head to the top half.

Step Three- Take the antenna mast mounts and attach them to the wall.

Step Four- Place top half into antenna mount and secure very tightly. Plug in the fan.

Step Five- Sit back and be happy that you just spent about $25-30 for something that should be $70-150.

When I get pics up I will place them here. Any other questions don't be afraid to hit me up.


Well-Known Member
I paid about $65 for a 16 inch 3 speed oscillating wall fan made by air king. It also came with a one year warranty.
Sometimes paying the extra 25 - 30 dollars for something is way better than having screw around with putting something together and hoping it works just as well as the name brand one.
I found out this the hard way when I was trying to be thrifty and save some money on a DIY carbon filter, after a few fouled attempts I threw in my cards and just went down to the store and bought one.