Make your own hydro nutrient!


Well-Known Member
Recipe coming soon! have to gather info for the assholes that are gonna come at me crazy!

OK here i go!
First start with some 20,20,20 All purpose plant food
the only thing that is missing from the Plant food you find at Walmart is

MG, Sulphur,and Calcium so what do u do hummm

for Mg and Sulphur add 1/2 tps of Epsom salt to one gallon of plant food solve that problem
and for Calcium u can add dolomite lime, Calcium nitrate, or Chalk im going to use chalk its the esiest to find
jus mush it up and at 1/4 tps to one gallon of epsom salt and plant food! damn was that hard im not paying for that shit when u can save and make it urself if u want the the calcium nitrate just go to type it in its 5 bucks have them ship it out and their make your own shit!!!! this is for vegg I will soon add the flowering recipe btw chalk is slow releasing but it will be fine

Regular store brought Fets Contain this which is fine! You will find the exact same in high price hydro fertz. Only thing Store brought contains a lil more which is fine I use it all the time i did in my last grow!

Merical Grow or Pete's all purpose fertz!! contain below!


Phosphoric Acid20%







Your Adding!
1/4 tps per gallon
Calcium5%(make sure u stir in chalk or dolomite lime really good! Calcium nitrate is a salt so it disolves fast like the others!)
1/2 tps per gallon
Magnesium1%(epsom salt)

Sulphur2%(epsom salt)


Well-Known Member
yeah you let us crazies know... NOW! just kidding.. but that does seem pretty cool. hit me up when you find it all out


Well-Known Member
much props cuzz... good info

Ur welcome! all i do is find what i can use to make my own shit and i deliver it to you guys I know some haters gonna come and say its not possible lol but I use this mixture so Think watever they want look at the updates above it provides more info


Active Member
there is a guy called fatman who is always getting banned, he has lots of formulae for nutes. he reconed that a 3-1-2 NPK ratio was about right for weed.
few of the ferts for weed, have this ratio. but i was looking at Miracle Grow multipurpose soluble fertilizer and the NPK was 24-8-16 which to me looks like 3-1-2 ??
it is about £3.75 for a big box.


Well-Known Member
That can't possibly work because you are depending on scientific fact. If someone doesn't buy up the magic additives at the grow stores then what are we going to do lol? Thanks for the post. That's a great idea.


Well-Known Member
i've been making my own nutes for months now, starting to make for other growers and getting positive results. fatman started me on the road :) a 2-part 4L A/B costs me $18, and can drop to $4 buying bulk. it's best to make your own nutes from scratch: it's much cheaper, you can consolidate most of your additives into a simple 2-part solution, and you have much more control over every individual element.

chalk is generally insoluble. calcium nitrate is generally used to bump calcium, and also bumps nitrogen.

fatman uses basically 3-1-4. miracle grow is a good ratio, but imo it's low quality salts, and has an odd micro profile. stuff in a hydro store isn't necessarily better!