Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

Go sit in a corner and think about what you're investing in. While you're doing that, remind yourself that America isn't the only country on the planet. Go talk to north korea about government control.

I was invested in a family, that's what I care about there Bud, my FAMILY.

Im not in Korea, Im in America, I have to deal with MY problems not THEIRS

That's just trying to divert my attention and yeah that's not gonna happen, I hate it for them, like we will have to do they should fight if they want freedom.
Plp r too use to not having to fight for what they deserve and inturn will cause them to suffer horribly.
They must find it difficult.....
Those who have taken authority
as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority
IMO, it's all just needless panic caused by paranoia, fueled by misguided conspiracy theorists. My freedom was fought into existence by my strong and noble forbearers, you cannot easily kill off that which was fought for diligently, I refuse to let it. The moment my freedom is compromised is the moment I become a martyr.

Propaganda, all of it!
IMO, it's all just needless panic caused by paranoia, fueled by misguided conspiracy theorists. My freedom was fought into existence by my strong and noble forbearers, you cannot easily kill off that which was fought for diligently, I refuse to let it. The moment my freedom is compromised is the moment I become a martyr.

Propaganda, all of it!

I used to drink the koolaid just like you.
Thought oh yeah America is the best blah blah, yeah then I woke the fuck up.

History repeats itself, corrupt plp deceive us everyday and if you think they don't then well you will be one of those not ready.

Either way take care of yourself, glad your not my neighbor.
Ok. I usually don't respond to these, but I want to know your thoughts on one particular aspect of these theories.

What does a government operating under an economic policy of capitalism gain by gassing or imprisoning a large portion of the tax base? If control through manipulation of information and education is the primary tool of shadow organizations, what benefit is there in removing the poorest, weakest, most under educated of the populace who are the recipients of their oppression?
IMO, it's all just needless panic caused by paranoia, fueled by misguided conspiracy theorists. My freedom was fought into existence by my strong and noble forbearers, you cannot easily kill off that which was fought for diligently, I refuse to let it. The moment my freedom is compromised is the moment I become a martyr.

Propaganda, all of it!
Well then you should of been dead the moment the "Patriot Act" was passed into law.

Is this idea really that farfetched? From a country that will send you to jail for years because you're in posession of a flower? That runs a police force that will come to your car door with there gun to your head, EVERY time you get pulled over, no matter how petty the offense, just because you have the legal right to carry a firearm on you?

Remember how the police are supposed to "Serve and protect"? How much serving and protecting are they doing by filling the nations prisons beyond capacity with minor drug offenders? Did you know that (last time I checked) 85% of prisoners were caught with a small amount of drugs for personal use? Why are these people in the same walls as murderers. I was arrested for possesion of a Joint. I'm a mind my own buisiness white boy. Yet, I was put into a cell with a group of angry ass black gangbangers with a chip on there shoulder about white people.

Why are cops not held accountable for there actions? Did you know that cops are legally immune to civil suits? Meaning, if you're a black dude, and a cop spits in your face, calls you a nigger, then commences to whooping your ass, there's not a damn thing you can do to that cop personally.

Sure, you can sue the department. A guy in Seattle did that. A couple weeks later he was billy clubbed, maced, and arrested for jaywalking, by police that were not involved. Sounds like gang mentality to me.
Well then you should of been dead the moment the "Patriot Act" was passed into law.

Is this idea really that farfetched? From a country that will send you to jail for years because you're in posession of a flower? That runs a police force that will come to your car door with there gun to your head, EVERY time you get pulled over, no matter how petty the offense, just because you have the legal right to carry a firearm on you?

Remember how the police are supposed to "Serve and protect"? How much serving and protecting are they doing by filling the nations prisons beyond capacity with minor drug offenders? Did you know that (last time I checked) 85% of prisoners were caught with a small amount of drugs for personal use? Why are these people in the same walls as murderers. I was arrested for possesion of a Joint. I'm a mind my own buisiness white boy. Yet, I was put into a cell with a group of angry ass black gangbangers with a chip on there shoulder about white people.

Why are cops not held accountable for there actions? Did you know that cops are legally immune to civil suits? Meaning, if you're a black dude, and a cop spits in your face, calls you a nigger, then commences to whooping your ass, there's not a damn thing you can do to that cop personally.

Sure, you can sue the department. A guy in Seattle did that. A couple weeks later he was billy clubbed, maced, and arrested for jaywalking, by police that were not involved. Sounds like gang mentality to me.

Police are employed to uphold and enforce the laws and regulations of the federal, state, and municipal governments in this country. To "serve and protect" is a moto, not an obligation, and this has been upheld by our Supreme Court on more than one occasion.
Police are employed to uphold and enforce the laws and regulations of the federal, state, and municipal governments in this country. To "serve and protect" is a moto, not an obligation, and this has been upheld by our Supreme Court on more than one occasion.
That's my point. If they aren't out to protect US, the CITIZENS (They like to call us civilians now. Or if they are on trial for something we are "Subjects) why do we give them a badge and a gun? Up until about 30 years ago a cops job was to defend the public. Now it's to collect revenue and intimidate the public.
I do admit it a lot if things could get better but you need to spend some in a third world country and see the deference. What we call freedom is only a dream to them, for how bad we have it, our ship of freedom still sails strong!
I do admit it a lot if things could get better but you need to spend some in a third world country and see the deference. What we call freedom is only a dream to them, for how bad we have it, our ship of freedom still sails strong!
Just because you have the mildest case of AIDS on the block doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get it healed.
That's my point. If they aren't out to protect US, the CITIZENS (They like to call us civilians now. Or if they are on trial for something we are "Subjects) why do we give them a badge and a gun? Up until about 30 years ago a cops job was to defend the public. Now it's to collect revenue and intimidate the public.

the difference is 30 years ago, we had "peace officers", and that is what they did... the KEPT THE FUCKING PEACE.... now we have Law Enforcement Officers, the title clearly indicates a different function... dont know what the hell happened/how that came about, but that is the difference with the cops now...

as for the OP... i agree, shit will hit the fan, probably within my lifetime... i'll be as ready as i can, but dont see any point getting up in arms about it... dont know what POV you look at it from, but if you are a religious person, it is coming no matter what, cant fight God..... if you arent... i think there would be much better methods of "getting the word out" than resorting to name calling on a online pot growing forum;-)
Just because you have the mildest case of AIDS on the block doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get it healed.

Point taken and rebuttal halted but never forget, everybody; to keep the spirit and idea of freedom alive.

Smoke on, for freedom!
the difference is 30 years ago, we had "peace officers", and that is what they did... the KEPT THE FUCKING PEACE.... now we have Law Enforcement Officers, the title clearly indicates a different function... dont know what the hell happened/how that came about, but that is the difference with the cops now...

as for the OP... i agree, shit will hit the fan, probably within my lifetime... i'll be as ready as i can, but dont see any point getting up in arms about it... dont know what POV you look at it from, but if you are a religious person, it is coming no matter what, cant fight God..... if you arent... i think there would be much better methods of "getting the word out" than resorting to name calling on a online pot growing forum;-)
Definitely dude! I'm all for that. I'm waiting till the day the second revolutionary war starts!

On a side note, I know I'm startin to sound like the OP, but did you know that the whole racism issue in the Civil war was totally a non-issue to the Union? That was just the reason they told the public. (Much like today's war on terror, and war on drugs. It all comes down to $$$) It was actually a war between the people, and the government. We lost.
Well then you should of been dead the moment the "Patriot Act" was passed into law.

Is this idea really that farfetched? From a country that will send you to jail for years because you're in posession of a flower? That runs a police force that will come to your car door with there gun to your head, EVERY time you get pulled over, no matter how petty the offense, just because you have the legal right to carry a firearm on you?

Remember how the police are supposed to "Serve and protect"? How much serving and protecting are they doing by filling the nations prisons beyond capacity with minor drug offenders? Did you know that (last time I checked) 85% of prisoners were caught with a small amount of drugs for personal use? Why are these people in the same walls as murderers. I was arrested for possesion of a Joint. I'm a mind my own buisiness white boy. Yet, I was put into a cell with a group of angry ass black gangbangers with a chip on there shoulder about white people.

Why are cops not held accountable for there actions? Did you know that cops are legally immune to civil suits? Meaning, if you're a black dude, and a cop spits in your face, calls you a nigger, then commences to whooping your ass, there's not a damn thing you can do to that cop personally.

Sure, you can sue the department. A guy in Seattle did that. A couple weeks later he was billy clubbed, maced, and arrested for jaywalking, by police that were not involved. Sounds like gang mentality to me.

Sounds like someone has walked outside before, watch out there mr. n word they will call you a what???? RACIST! LOL

Police are employed to uphold and enforce the laws and regulations of the federal, state, and municipal governments in this country. To "serve and protect" is a moto, not an obligation, and this has been upheld by our Supreme Court on more than one occasion.
Yeah and at what part are they following when they start beating people and not reading our rights when we are arrested???
I've had my rights violated before just because my license was suspended over a 3 year old speeding ticket, COME THE FUCK ON. They arrested me and didnt tell me my rights searched my car (missed the 1/2lb of weed btw) and took me in. They didnt read me my rights because I had a weed sticker and they were really wanting to find it and forgot about my rights.

That's my point. If they aren't out to protect US, the CITIZENS (They like to call us civilians now. Or if they are on trial for something we are "Subjects) why do we give them a badge and a gun? Up until about 30 years ago a cops job was to defend the public. Now it's to collect revenue and intimidate the public.

Yup yup, I love that some people have their eyes open and can actually think for themselves.

All these shots the gov has been giving us is damaging our brains, Ive been lookin at what the CDC lists in vaccines and it's goddamn insane.

I got a tetnus shot a few weeks ago and fell in walmart and had a seizure and never had one b4 and at the time didn't think anything of it till I did some reading.
head for the hills!

Yup I live at the base of some nice forest I already have a plan my man.

Definitely dude! I'm all for that. I'm waiting till the day the second revolutionary war starts!

On a side note, I know I'm startin to sound like the OP, but did you know that the whole racism issue in the Civil war was totally a non-issue to the Union? That was just the reason they told the public. (Much like today's war on terror, and war on drugs. It all comes down to $$$) It was actually a war between the people, and the government. We lost.


I know I sound like a nut job, I use to make fun of those same plp, Im not laughing about it anymore. Infact I cracked my bible to learn that the gov deceives the SHIT out of us, if anything thats what you guys need to learn is that evil will use EVERYTHING to pull the wool over your eyes, the Jews walked into the camps.....