If you live with your parents and they would frown on you growing then simply WAIT TILL YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PLACE! Not only can you get fucked your parents can too.
Also even a small grow will start to smell really strong when its flowering. We all want to grow when we are 15 but be patient. lol (im only kidding around) but seriously I'd just wait till you have your own place or try growing outdoors in the woods somewhere hidden its a lot safer.
Yeah what he said without the lecture. But listen if you are going to grow in your parents house im not here to stop you. Id rather see you come out okay and not get caught thus preventing/keeping you parents out of trouble too. I mean what good come out of all this shit talking.
So listen number one rule as you've heard before is dont tell anyone. This is important as hell, i dont know how old you actually are but even in college the word spreads even to the most trustworthy people. Even if its your best guy friend, youve known each other since you were three. I mean hes still suseptable to pussy-whipping. We all are, if you got a pair girls can get it out of you.
Secondly look into carbon filters.
3rd and probably the most importan plan your grow in advance extremely well. Look at all possible angles. Dont go in if your unsure. Have all the equip prior to the grow. Trust me on this, diagrams whatever plan plan plan.
small so my perents wont find it. the space i have is aboot 4 feet high 4 feet long and round 2 feet wide. Can i just keep it in a small planter so it doesnt grow big???
You just took the bait there, members of this site will thrash you all the time now for hiding from your parents.
Im not even hidding from my parents I just like to be stealthy and I get bashed for being "unloyal" to my parents who are in a different state. I'm sorry I dont fancy going to jail as a drug dealer and corrupting my life for the future. I mean how can you get raped in the butt and keep living?
Oh and too answer you actual question you can use inanimate objects to coil the plant which will get you a couple inches. Also you can put it in a small pot so the roots dont have much space.