Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

These pics below, I have apx 6 grams of I intend on using. I purchased it when i was in texas, its what they call "popcorn" It looks like dro and is lime green with lots of red hairs. THere is no seeds and has nice trichome development.

and 4.5 grams of decent quality reggie.

I was thinking about possible getting another 18 grams of good reggi to throw in with a lb of butter.

IS this good enough for good potent brownies? The first time i made brownies I messed up and still used the leaf in it.. it was gross and i threw up in a chinese buffet. Second time I cooked on stove for low for 2 hours with lid on with a occasional stir. I had it cooking at a temp just enough to give it a slight boil. Then I strained with cheesecloth.. I made fudge brownies..

Note to self.. dont give em to famliy members again.. lol grandparents and other famlily ate em.. Family surprised how well gparents where acting lol..they turned out decent, and when I ate em at night. it knocked me out to sleep lol.. i slept good.

I am going to try the crockpot method.. Just want to make sure as I am broke and really need the smoke... that this would be enough and plenty to make good potent butter. The "popcorn" bud is pretty good when smoked and I wouldnt mind throwing in a total 8 grams of that and rest of decent regi. Even the regular weed had some bright hairs in it, it was just seeds in it.
you need a lot of material(leaf, trim, bud) to work with, unless ur just gonna make a teensy tiny little bit of butter. i like a lot of really strong butter, thats just me...
I dont understand..i dont have any trim to work with.. now at least... I have used bud b4 to make my butter only used 4 sticks (1lb)... Well anyways i am in mist of preparing the butter will give update when I have completed the butter.
Buds work fine of course, but if they are good enough to smoke then it is probably a waste to cook it. In order for them to be strong you are going to have to put quite a bit of bud in them which could go for up to 20 a gram. Your end result product will be like at best 10 bucks for 3 grams.

If you can afford it and want to then do it. I personally would just wait and save the ends of all my bags and you will make it to a batch of cookies in no time.
Tip#268- i go to a local amish community they have a country store and sell fresh rolls of country butter. i highly recomend it, if your lucky they will have the gluten free brownie mix, haxnt tried their brownie mix yet but i imagine its some good shit. their butter is kickass for making cannabutter.. so if you have amish or menanites somewhere close by, get their homemade butter from grass fed cattle. its the bomb.
Hi, i've been reading here for quite some time now and I rarely post. Just wondering, is it a waste of time making butter with bud? Is it better making butter with trims, leaves and shakes? Because where I'm from it's hard to look for quality bud, usually what we get here is outdoor grown bud and most of the time no leaves are left. So I just want to know if it is a waste of time 'cause I've never made butter before and I've heard it's the BOMB! haha
If you can get shake and trim go for it... the more the better... It really depends on what you can afford and get a hold of. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! I been places where schawg only cost 20 a 0z and some where they just give it to you... I can some decent mid-high gad weed for about 50 a ounce. For 100 ounce I get stuff that is lime green lots of red hairs, good trichome production and looks like dro.

I have always used bud, since I dont have any shake or trim to work with. I use about 1 oz of reg weed for lb of butter. I was short this time of an oz. I only had 20 grams total. I used the crockpot method... However I am not sure if it was the method I cook it or not using enough, but it seems my other batch was stronger..

I did other batch for 2 hours on a low boil w lid on. With the crockpot I did 2 hours max high then 2 hours low. Lid was on of course, and I even took temps it did not get no hotter then 225 degrees.
I have seen people take fine bud and trim it up and throw it in with butter.. Some people say thats a waste.. but if your growing your own and you add that along with shake and trim the butter will be more potent. I rather have potent butter then weak butter if you know what I mean.
personally, i like to use large quantities of hash when possible, but bud is great if you neeeed to have butter. and shake or fine trim are by far the most effiecient fuels for the high fire. leafs and stems are barely useful, just a slight icing on the cake really.
i dont think scientists make weed cookies too, often... but they should.

im not saying that butter steeped overnight loses all potency, but you are losing thc and you are losing (any chance of good) flavor.

I also do two hours on high out of the four hrs, makes a huge difference.

but.... if its not broken, don't fix it. if your friends love the recipe, then you found your own niche and you should stay with what works for you. in my personal exp 2 high/2 low just came out better. loving the discussion colts :peace:

Hey Phreakygoat. I use a similar method. Although I usually go a lot longer on my cooking. I also do multiple hot water baths (5-6) after the initial straining and cooling process. So I reheat the butter in new water and cook only for about 2hrs a time on low. Every time the water gets a little cleaner. When done the final product is extremely potent and clean, with hardly any canna taste. I have even done this with using a large amount of vape duff and had very successful butter. Just sharing :).
my butter is brewing. :hump:
Ive been looking for the secret ingredient for a while now... :) I find a lot of information about mary but not her methods.

~I am guessing it is everclear?... I have heard that the addition of alcohol makes better butter before but never tried it.
interesting... yea I like to try more trials on making butter.. I hate to put down someones method due to lack of trim, shake, bud or whatever it is i use to make butter with.
Ive been looking for the secret ingredient for a while now... :) I find a lot of information about mary but not her methods.

~I am guessing it is everclear?... I have heard that the addition of alcohol makes better butter before but never tried it.

i used "stoli's", 100 proof. :bigjoint: