Make america great again


Well-Known Member
I wish I could believe he'll leave the states alone. Republican control means repealing cannabis legislation.

He has previously stated he'd sue states. And he wants lots more police to enforce

Remember who you voted for


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'll tell you this if it turns out that this scumbag twat face fuck tard openly voiced rigged elections towards his campaign then opened his piggy bank and payed off people to sway the polls for him it would not surprise me, pre polls to actual polls were so off it has analyst looking at everything saying only one thing it's corrupt in several states that pre polled have hillary ahead by big margins fell by those margins it's rigged and for someone like this pig face fuck say it's rigged against him then rig the system so he wins and then hillary has to call rigged system then people say oooooohh now it's rigged well ya it might just be if I had 18 billion dollars you think it would be hard to sway inbred cracker folk to force the polls for him it's happened before and people will say ooooh blame trump now WHY THE FUCK NOT he is going to destroy EVERYTHING peace what peace war of the nation's is coming and guess what you fucks just gave a fucking celebrity the god damn white house so he can play fucking RISK for 4 years good job you uneducated stupid following fucks I hope now there is a mother fucking draft and all you fucks get that war wake up call and blown the fuck up by Russia, China, Korea, ISIS, you think we have a problem now oooooohh boy you are so in for a treat
And I'm going to fill you dumb ass people in, treaties are formulated based on numerous things and job outsourcing happens to build trust between two nations and maybe some of these deals can be reworked maybe they can't but peace between nations rest on these deals so pulling all overseas manufacturers will cause serious tension mark my words
Slow down, calm down and try english. Text walls don't work well. More of this and I'm asking Cthulu to eat you first as a show of his good will and investment in the 20/20 Cthulu platform.


Ursus marijanus
Slow down, calm down and try english. Text walls don't work well. More of this and I'm asking Cthulu to eat you first as a show of his good will and investment in the 20/20 Cthulu platform.
After our Imperious Demovore has eaten the amazingly ill-named Silence, he will be so bloated with words that he will shit a more cohesive argument than those two turgid logs.


Well-Known Member
We've been a country for 240 years, and we've been at war like almost all of them.

That ain't changing 'cause war and global police = cash and power


Well-Known Member
I'm eager to see how this pans out. I did ultimately vote for Trump in the end (took me a good 5 minutes at the computers). One thing to note is Obama campaigned under the notion he would change the country, but didn't do much until his second term. Do not be surprised if the same thing happens. I have hope for future elections though that one day the right winged fear mongering will be a thing of the passed and we will finally focus on the real problems, the 1%, perpetual war, corrupt politicians, health care, and free or affordable schooling.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Weed War 3. He's going to sue the weed states.

Now watcha' gonna do? Decades of cannabis progress bites out overnight.

Thanks Trump
Prohibition has its points. If it comes back I won't cry. With all the growers now it will be prohibition on steroids.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
What "points" does prohibition have other than to keep the local pot dealer in business?
Keeps the LOCAL drug dealer in biz.(that dispensary owner damn sure don't live in my hood), doorstep delivery, no taxes, no gov. interference if you don't drive with it, product not scrubbed or quick dried, no IDs..
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