Make america great again


Well-Known Member
While everyone was watching the bullshit ( the Hillary and trump puppet show) what do you think is really goin on ... Slide of hand people. Get ready for shit to hit the fan..and put kneepads on because we're going to be kissing Russia's ass and sucking China's dick or it's going to be a nuke fest


Well-Known Member
For America to be great again we need great Americans to get rid of all corrupt government officials .
And stop outsourcing money, work,minerals.
We need to be dependent on are selfs as a country . then it will be great. Teach are kids and grandkids the real truth and take the blinders off of them
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Well-Known Member
The outsourcing of jobs is happening in Oz too. It's pretty fucked. The foundry I worked for was facing problems with customers going overseas for their product. Rather than through us. Because they could get it cheaper.

Silence 208

Well-Known Member
I'll tell you this if it turns out that this scumbag twat face fuck tard openly voiced rigged elections towards his campaign then opened his piggy bank and payed off people to sway the polls for him it would not surprise me, pre polls to actual polls were so off it has analyst looking at everything saying only one thing it's corrupt in several states that pre polled have hillary ahead by big margins fell by those margins it's rigged and for someone like this pig face fuck say it's rigged against him then rig the system so he wins and then hillary has to call rigged system then people say oooooohh now it's rigged well ya it might just be if I had 18 billion dollars you think it would be hard to sway inbred cracker folk to force the polls for him it's happened before and people will say ooooh blame trump now WHY THE FUCK NOT he is going to destroy EVERYTHING peace what peace war of the nation's is coming and guess what you fucks just gave a fucking celebrity the god damn white house so he can play fucking RISK for 4 years good job you uneducated stupid following fucks I hope now there is a mother fucking draft and all you fucks get that war wake up call and blown the fuck up by Russia, China, Korea, ISIS, you think we have a problem now oooooohh boy you are so in for a treat

Silence 208

Well-Known Member
And I'm going to fill you dumb ass people in, treaties are formulated based on numerous things and job outsourcing happens to build trust between two nations and maybe some of these deals can be reworked maybe they can't but peace between nations rest on these deals so pulling all overseas manufacturers will cause serious tension mark my words