major sick plant. never seem this before help plz


Well-Known Member
I have posted about this about a week ago and got some responses, but nothing has help was hoping maybe someone else has an idea..i actually have pictures this time so maybe this will change things

Soil-Happy frog
Nutes-Fox Farm, Advanced Nutes, General Hydroponics.
Lighting-600w hps
Temp and Humidity 70-81F-38-42Humdity

I have a tree that is now 35days into flowering and all my fan leaves and leaves around my buds are turning up towards the light and drying out and dying. They began with just little brown spots and turning up of the ends of the leaves. This problem is throughout the entire plant it is about 3.5 feet tall.I have flushed the soil a few days ago..which seems to help a little everything smelling a little more fresh but it just seemed to slow this process down. I flushed because i though it might have been really bad case of nute burn. But now i dont know...please take into consideration most of the fan leaves have dried up and fallen it looks alot greener and healthier..



Well-Known Member
lol that doesnt help me..i already have that page..and i couldnt decide what was going on


Well-Known Member
i dont believe that is the issue..i need someone with alot of exp to help me please
edit: the reason i say this is i measure all my ph..i only used distilled way and they got fed enough..i have flushed a couple a times with maintain healthy growth thx


Well-Known Member
any assholes around you that would pour fucking bleach into your plant? ive seen that happen, because someone dumped bleach into the bucket to be a scumbag.


Well-Known Member
haha what the hell are you serious? or is that a joke..cause i know someone who would do that..and before i make an ass of myself..


Well-Known Member
im not joking. i caught someone pouring bleach into his fathers plants, they didnt get along very well. and within 3 days the plants looked exactly like that and we sat there and watched his father freak out on why it happened. it drove the poor bastid crazy. all along it was bleach. and this guy loved his plants. my friend was an asshole for doing it , i had nothing to do with it. the same guy who bleached the plant. fed his father pot brownies. that was hillarious to watch. the guy backed his whole truck into lake winepesauci in new hampshire trying to back the boat into the water
we were young and dumb. but the brownie thing was f-ing hillarious. he was giggling to himself and he chopped a pile of wood 20 feet high. drinking water by the gallon. he didnt know he was baked.


Well-Known Member
distilled water? i went out and bought poland springs water thinking it would be good for it. and it turned out my tap water was perfect ph and the spring water was way off. but i dont know about distilled.

oh take some dirt and smell it maybe youll catch a wiff of something you know doesnt belong there. if its bleach, maybe youll smell it if they used enough


Well-Known Member
i have a digital ph meter and mesaure my distilled water to a perfect ph lvl...but even if they bleached it..i would have flushed it all out and it should be looking better or at least i think..i really feel that it has to be something else..i was thinking heat stress but its not that hot..and the light is 18inch away


Well-Known Member
well are you checking your temps during the light on schedule? it looks as if its taking your fan leaves off and now moving onto the actual leaves for the buds. maybe its a deficiency of some sort. but usally the fan leaves will just turn yellow and drop off. yours looks like its being burnt off.


Well-Known Member
dont think its heat, more than likely nutes, could also be root bound, as ur buckets look decent, but from what i can make out they arent even filled all the way with dirt.


Well-Known Member
what was your feeding schedule prior to the problem developing? Give us the exact amount per gallon you were using.

Were you feeding with every watering, or every other? Do you let the plants dry out fully before watering again? How do you know when it's time to water?

Give us some more info on what you are doing precisely.