major problem with dying of leaves. please help


Active Member
its only 78 degrees which is perfect and i barley feed them. i feed them every 2 weeks. so i dont get it. i crossed a male church with a female bubblegum. just wondering if they haven`t crossed well with one another. but the bud tht is forming is so smelly and sticky. one of my plants ive had to take most of the fan leaves off due to them dying. the plant is healthy jus not the leaves!! ill take some pics. heres some pics i took last week

bubbachurch 001.jpg
bubbachurch 008.jpgbubbachurch 012.jpg


Active Member
bubba 006.jpgbubba 004.jpgbubba 010.jpgbubba 005.jpg

the tall plant is the one tht has been having the real problem. the 3nd busher plant has only had 2 leaves tht have turned and i pruned them before they got bad. they are nearly into the fourth wk of flowering.


Active Member
im using a light mix of soil from greens. its used and tested and never had no problems with it. im using 400W HPS


Active Member
I have the same exact problem bud. Its definitely not nutrient burn because this is only seems to be happening on the middle/top fan leaves for me. Out of about 40 plants it seems to be completely random on which it affects. I'm pretty sure it's not a deficiency either because I give my babies a health feeding once a week alternating with a plain water/molasses solution. I have researched it a bit and I have come up with a couple ideas. One could be very hard tap water, which I know I have because my tap water has a ph of about 8.5. The dissolved salts and chlorine in the water is very unbeneficial. The other is that it is actually light overdose. I have moved my 1000w about 6 inches up a couple days ago and so far it hasn't gotten any worse. If you find out exactly what it is definitely let me know for shure. Hope I could be of some assistance.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what the levels of postassium (K) are in your mix/nute? By the leaves it looks like it could use some K, and the thin stems suggest it as well. You may be putting too much of one nute in though that cancels out the K. I would get whatever is closest to 1-1-2 or 0-1-2 at your local hydro store and try small amounts of it out.


Active Member
3 pineapple chunk, 3 tangerine dream and 2 lemon all showed the same symptoms at the same time. I had a bit of a nitro def and decided to add a dose of veg nute to flower nutes (was waiting for mono nitro to arrive and got impatient) and only after feeding i realised I didn't drop the flower nutes to account for the additional veg nutes. All plants burn't the same as yours, 2 feeds of plain water and was right as rain. All plants still have the battle scares to prove it, 1 layer of leaves on every plant. Take from that what you will munchkins........;-)


Active Member
yeah looks underfed, if you can't check your runoff ph, your SOL on getting a decent diagnosis, I had some curling like that and just needed a higher EC, same ratio. I was just being a puss. :)