Major newb need great advice


Well-Known Member
Just be careful and take lots of time.
i find that tipping it upside down a gently banging the bottom has the best results


make sur your pots soil is wet then flip the plant and pot upside down and pull the pot up if it doesnt go easy tap it on the bottom of the pot which is now the top and tap the sides and it well come out easy thats how i do it thats how i do it


Active Member
I'm just wondering how I would transplant from one pot to the next with out destroying everything
What ive always done is wait and let soil dry out and then tip pot slightly. tap on edges and it should fall right out. if it is to root bound take razor knife and carefully cut pot down both edges and remove. transplant into new container pack new soil around and then water. its alot easier if soil isnt wet. when wet, soil has a tendency to fall apart also after u transplant make sure u water it real good to get all air pockets out around root ball.if that helps Please rep me


Well-Known Member
use plastic pots, if you use ceramic or clay, the roots will stick to the sides and its a bitch to get out

if you dont care about the pot, break it or cut it

other wise hold the plant by the bottom of the stem, if its old enough and ready, all the roots will be tightly packed and most of the dirt will stay in it like one big piece

holding it upside down tap the bottom and the sides to loosen it, then gently pull. if it still wont come pull and hit the bottom at the same time

just work it out slowly


Active Member
What ive always done is wait and let soil dry out and then tip pot slightly. tap on edges and it should fall right out. if it is to root bound take razor knife and carefully cut pot down both edges and remove. transplant into new container pack new soil around and then water. its alot easier if soil isnt wet. when wet, soil has a tendency to fall apart also after u transplant make sure u water it real good to get all air pockets out around root ball.if that helps Please rep me
He said they key.

Make sure its dry. The more dry the easier it will be. I have always used bots with drain holes. Let it dry out to a solid cube, then put stem inbetween fingers near palm, flip upside down and it will fall right out. If not I take eraser side of pencil and just push the root ball through the drain hole =P always pops right out.


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering how I would transplant from one pot to the next with out destroying everything
dont use a hammer or a axe to do it. hahaha.

Seriously though get something like SUPERTHRIVE to add to the watering after you transplant, great stress reliever.

Didn't read the whole thread so sorry if someone allready put that.
I take the new pot and a pot just like the old pot. Fill the new pot with planting medium and use the old pot as a form to make a hole in the medium the same size as the root ball and medium from the old pot. I have even done it a day or two ahead of time, watering and compacting the medium well. Remove the pot form which leaves you a perfect void to fill with the transplanted plant with no voids. Easy peasy as you pleasy.
The Harry Pott