major issues...heeeeelp...


Member you can see she has serious yellowing and droppy leaves..thought it was nute burn..not sure also I think it may be root bound..she seems to have stopped growing...I need opinions and also about harvest time..I'm about 45 days flowering a bag seed


Well-Known Member
Can we get a bigger pic of the plant and pot size and a run down of what soil and nutes you are using, wattage of light temps ph etc


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen or sulfur deficiency. Most likely nitrogen. Use sparingly at this stage. Suggest a 1/4 strength feed of grow nutes - NO MORE!


Well-Known Member
45 days in to flowering .. its normal with some yellowing fan leavres .. starting at the bottom moving up around week 4 or so ..

if she is root bound you might suffer some yield Im sorry to say .. a repot here is normally not advisable ..

tho I did it .. kind of ..


what I see in that pics is not the size or drain holes of your pot ? (I usealy repot to 5 gallon before 12/12)
I see clawing fan leaves .. so root bound might be a possibility .. but mostlikely a combination of to much Nitrogen and root bound ..
cut the Nitrogen now .. (I don't feed any in 12/12 .. atlest not after the fist two weeks)

also .. its normal that the Vegativ grow stop after 2-3 weeks in flowering .. what you want now is to see the buds bulk out and get dense .. do some research please ..


Well-Known Member
aye, matey.......root-bound she is. i say, fuck no more stress than this shit here. do it gently. 45 days, so at least another 2 weeks; maybe/probably longer. may be dead by then. she looks hurtin' for certain.


thanks for all the comments so far once i get all of the pics of the phone onto the computer ill provide all info with better shots..allll the info..