major heat stress 100°+

I have seen extremely bad heat stress before and I can't say your look like mine did its strange because mine went brown after a few hours but sure everyone's symptoms will vary, is your soil very compacted at all??
i transplant the same 24 hours it got stressed so yes it should be compacted
I'm not sure if it's heat stress or there's something else going on. I've grown outdoors for years and the temps easily get over 100 regularly and I've had no issues. If it is heat in your case, it's because your plants are still small, young and weak
not enough roots yet,shade colth may weaken sunlight and maybe cause some strech?
What I mean is the soil pushed down to make ot dense or is it loose, light and fluffy like nice and free??
the soil you want in the wild you should be able to stick your heel in the ground ,do the 1 leg backwards hop draging your heel should dig a 2and ahalf to 3 in ditch, that is good dirt!