Major drooping after setting light to 12/12 please help


Hi this is my first time growing and im having problems with drooping I'm growing 2 plants I've posted pics bellow, im currently using a 125w blue cfl and a 300cfl red they are abvout 8 weeks from seedling. They have both been grown using feminised UK Cheese seeds, any help in determining the problem would be greatly appreciated. They are growing in in bio-bizz allmix soil. Also a fan is permanently on within the grow closet. Previously had some problems with slight drooping and yellowing but flushing sorted it out they have recently been set to 12/12 a day before these pics were taken

[FONT=&quot]This is a real disappointment because about 2-3 days prior to flowering they were doing great after I gave them a flush, so any ideas??? Why are they so droopy, I'm really losing enthusiasm with this. I know the obvious thing would be to blame the MG, but surely 1/4 measures of their recommended dose wouldn't have this impact!! plus they seemed to be heading this way before adding any water or nutes
also before the drooping started the plant was giving of a stong odor and now nothing :(

any help would be awsome, thanks.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
The MG everyone bitches about, although I have had good success, is the potting soil that has added nutes to "feed your plants for up to six months." The MG nutes that you add to water for fertilizing should be perfectly fine. Don't make the mistake of overwatering. That causes more problems than overnuting. I went and bought a little $6 probe which can be inserted into the potting soil to see how moist it is. This has saved me a lot of grief. The top of the potting soil might be dry as a bone, but down toward the bottom where the roots are, it might be sopping wet.

BTW, yours don't look too bad. Don't make the mistake of overnuting them too soon.


Well-Known Member
im a newbie myself so i dont know much but.....thats exactly how my plants looked when i was overwatering doing my first grow (well first indoor) as well and im trying out multiple different soils, miracle growing is one of them and one thing i have noticed so far is that it holds moisture (sometimes a lot) longer than any of the other soils im trying. i didnt even get the moisture control miracle grow, just the organic, i would imagine the moisture control one would hold it even longer. im not saying you have that one but im just pointing that out......anyways enough MG talk lol.....this is what i did just a little bit ago, ok here goes a newbie story for everyone; i had been overwatering my plants(unknowingly), they started drooping and looking like crap, so i flushed them thinking it was a nute problem or something, then i relized (from people on this forums help) that i had been overwatering the whole time and at that point i decided to transplant all the plants that were having the problem, they were so far along (dying) that i didnt think the soil would dry out in time, before the plants died. im glad i made that decision though because days (9) later after transplanting them i checked the bottom of the soil in the pots they were in, it was like mud, i couldnt believe it, days later the top was bone dry and bottom was still mud like. my plants would have been sitting in that dying slowly, after transplanting them they took off like a rocket, i really couldnt believe it. i think we all make the overwatering mistake. you think naturally plant+water=happy plants....but sometimes its not that way......

sorry about the essay, just felt like sharing......
hey a quick update, woke up today very shortly after the the lights turned on and the plants looked perfect, almost no drooping at all, now 2 hours after the lights turning on the plants are beging to droop fairly badly (altho still a major improvment from the pic) im guessing in a few hours theyle be back to the pics tho since this is the first time ive been able to check them so early i cant say if this happend in the past as the only plants ive seen are about 4-5 hours after the lights turned on after the 12/12 cycle.
i know in the past drooping occured a couple hours before the lights turned off but this seems silly

any help would be greatly appriciated and cheers for the previous replys


Well-Known Member
is the soil moist? if so when was the last time it completely dried out? i would really consider transpanting one and seeing how it goes.....i would not transplant to a pot the same size because that would disturb/stress the roots (breaking up the dirt), i would transplant to a bigger pot so you dont have to break up the dirt clump, just get the bigger pot, put some fresh soil on the bottom and then put the entire plant and clump of dirt in the bigger pot and then add your fresh soil, this gives that old moist soil, some dry soil to help bleed off some of that moisture..... also make sure you have something to help with drainage at the bottom of the pots holes so soil doesnt clog it and prevent water from draing out.( screen,broken clay pot pieces, hydroton balls, rock ect.......).

again im a newb too so i could be way off, hopefully someone with more experience jumps in here, good luck solving your problem bro, having issues with your girls sucks.


Well-Known Member
if you ever watched time lapsed weed grows, you see that plants droop then shoot up, then droop then shoot up. its the natural way it grows. aslong as its bouncing back every day your good. the problem is when it stays droopy for 2+days


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the plant is in the process of doing big things when it droops like that--- can be easily mistaken for a problem.... Glad she turned around for you!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the plant is in the process of doing big things when it droops like that--- can be easily mistaken for a problem.... Glad she turned around for you!
exactly. it usually happens beginning of flower, when the plant starts to stretch. it droops then shoots up. and repeats for a while. i only get worried when its droopy for 2+days