maintaining and keeping ph level

howdy all..

using DWC got 5 gallon buckets with approximately 3.5 gallons of distilled store-bought water. the water starts off at ph of about 7.6 or so which i thought was kind of high for store bought distilled. we have a ph meter, general hydroponics ph down. the issue is, after i put some ph down in the water and get it down to about 5.7, it seems like it shoots back up in an hour or two. I can only ph check it once or twice a day. is there any way to make the ph level stay? These are clone buckets with plain water, no nutrients/additives
i'll try it but i'm unfamiliar with this method of using lemon peel, does the lemon peel actually drop the ph or do i just put a peel in there and it will keep the ph in check


Well-Known Member
Its ph drift. it should go back to normal. ive been using the same nute mixes for years with ro filtered water. I dont even check the ph anymore all i check is the ppm level.