Maine Outdoor 2020 (first timer)


Well-Known Member
I just picked up a WeDryer last week, sounds like it would be perfect for the smell situation. I got the XL, its as big around as a 55 gallon drum, and about 3' tall, pretty good size. You said your attic is finished, hang 1 or 2 up, plug them in, and they'll dry as well as filter the smell.


Well-Known Member
Week 21: vertical growth has completely stopped now...tallest one (Chinook Haze) maxed out at just under 10 feet. Looks like these gals are 100% focussed on growing their buds. Even the foot-dragging Chinook has started flowering finally.

The Tomahawk has pulled way ahead of the others in terms of bud development. Guessing this will be the first to harvest. Maybe before Columbus Day?

Weather has been really nice--a little damp for a couple days at the start of the week, but mostly sunny and dry with cool crisp nights. The plants seem very happy.

So check this out: looks like a caterpillar that got smoked by the Bt I applied last week. First cat. I've been in a while. That what it looks like to you? I read when they eat a leaf with Bt their digestive system basically explodes and they turn dark brown/black. Works for me...glad to see the Bt is doing its job.
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Better late than never with the Chinook Haze. Probably be nearly Thanksgiving before she's ready though:
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Orange Blossom Special is probably second only to the Tomahawk in terms of bud development:
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Copper Chem was a late bloomer but starting to come along now:
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The buds on the Tomahawk are really coming along. Funny how this has seemed like the fussiest plant all year yet is leading the pack now:
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Finally, the CBD strain, Cherry Wine, is slowly developing. Seems like she's taking her time after showing flowers fairly early. Maybe once the nights turn colder she'll move along more.
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Here's a couple shots of the garden. Not a lot of intense smell yet (even from the Tomahawk) but I imagine that will start any week now.

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Guess another summer's come and gone. Sure was a hot and dry one here in Maine. We'll see what the fall brings. Guessing it will stay fairly dry and sunny but cooler nights. If I'm lucky the warm sunny days will predominate all through October and maybe I'll have a shot at finishing everything properly.

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions about harvesting/drying/curing in a few weeks!
Sw foot hills dry dry dry hope it holds few more 1[600].JPG


Well-Known Member
Sniff test, eh Thumper? Come harvest, there’s more hash on my nose than my scissors from sniff

Weather here is spectacular. Temps are 70-80 with no humidity. Maybe a bit of rain Thursday then looks good again. Buds are stacking and getting frosty.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' righteous there Seawood. Weather here has been similarly fine--turned warm and muggy today but cooling off this evening. Sounds like rain Thu. possibly.

How much you watering these days?


Well-Known Member
I cut back on the watering until last week...had a few days hit 85-90 and the plants got thirsty. I was back up to 12 gal/plant every two days but it should slow down again as the temps become more seasonal over the next week.

Cheers to a great fall! Hope you’re right. Will be a killer harvest if the weather holds. I have all the materials for a makeshift hoop house if things start to drag into mid-late October with a couple of the ladies who are taking their sweet ass time. I’ll look into a light dep setup if I run that strain again.


Well-Known Member
Temps mid 60's to high 50's during the day and getting around 46 during the night. No matter how many times I put anti-snail granules, I'm pulling off my two biggest plants around 250 snails off the leaves/stem every two weeks they get their visit. Their shit seems to be a risk for disease but luckily nothing showing and sprayed them down. On that patch only 1 is flowering, others are still just throwing pistils.

Temps will go back to the 70's at the end of the month but then dropping again. Just wondering with these temps if I should defoliate or if I should let them be because the foliage may protect the insides? I've grown indoors and in lower latitudes but never dealt with these temps. I grew up having temps in 80's/90's all the way to October, the biggest problems I faced there were bud worms and these little bastard black beetles.


Well-Known Member
I would defoliate the inner parts of your plants. and any sucker branches. If you’re in the northeast and just throwing pistils now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I can’t see how you’re gonna make it to harvest. You should be well into flower by now. What strains are you growing?


Well-Known Member
I would defoliate the inner parts of your plants. and any sucker branches. If you’re in the northeast and just throwing pistils now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I can’t see how you’re gonna make it to harvest. You should be well into flower by now. What strains are you growing?
Many strains both indica, sativa, and also autos. The auto seeds were flowering but then revegged. Had everything from Banana Kush, Bubba's Gift, purple power, and many more. My friend's gf got in a fight with him and switched the labels around when they were we could only identify half.


Well-Known Member
Your autos weren’t autos if they revegged unless the genetics were unstable. The plants aren’t getting light during the night, are they?


Well-Known Member
The sun in the summer at 60 latitude is twilight past midnight and darkness till 2:30am then twilight again then sun it is never dark here in summer. It will not hit 12/12 until the end of the month


Well-Known Member all makes sense now...well everything except the autos revegging. You’re way up north. Best of luck, my friend. Gotta be tough growing outdoors up there.


Well-Known Member
Sw foot hills dry dry dry hope it holds few more weeks.
Sounds like we may get some thundershowers tomorrow night but then back to drought mode. Fog's been coming in at night here on the coastal plain lately but been burning off by mid-morning and with the sun and breeze the plants dry off quick. Sticky as hell here again today but humidity should drop after that front comes through tomorrow.

I think I see another tiny spot of rot on one of my Orange Blossom Special buds (I took your advice and ordered some peroxide, should be here any day) but so far seem to be ducking any serious mold or pest issues (knock on wood). Counting the weeks...

Surprised I'm not getting more fragrance--figured by now it would be overpowering. I warned my wife that things could get "odiferous" this fall and she gave me one of those looks, so maybe it's better that hasn't kicked in yet (personally I'm kind of looking forward to the experience--especially the Orange Blossom Special. When I first started shopping around for strains/seeds to grow this spring I had to laugh at some of the crazy adjectives people use for bud fragrance: "dead skunk," "underarm," "janitor's closet," etc. I've always loved the smell of kind bud but never thought of using such rank terms for it!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like we may get some thundershowers tomorrow night but then back to drought mode. Fog's been coming in at night here on the coastal plain lately but been burning off by mid-morning and with the sun and breeze the plants dry off quick. Sticky as hell here again today but humidity should drop after that front comes through tomorrow.

I think I see another tiny spot of rot on one of my Orange Blossom Special buds (I took your advice and ordered some peroxide, should be here any day) but so far seem to be ducking any serious mold or pest issues (knock on wood). Counting the weeks...

Surprised I'm not getting more fragrance--figured by now it would be overpowering. I warned my wife that things could get "odiferous" this fall and she gave me one of those looks, so maybe it's better that hasn't kicked in yet (personally I'm kind of looking forward to the experience--especially the Orange Blossom Special. When I first started shopping around for strains/seeds to grow this spring I had to laugh at some of the crazy adjectives people use for bud fragrance: "dead skunk," "underarm," "janitor's closet," etc. I've always loved the smell of kind bud but never thought of using such rank terms for it!
Iam somewhat lucky here dont get the fog as much, I see the coast got fog an clouds today hot sunny an muggy here.Cant wait for the dew points to lower hate this muggy shit. Ya the peroxide will save ya ass when it comes to bud rot. Iam using it now on a few spots of PM. The easy part is over this yr now comes the hard part:hump:


Well-Known Member
Just found a mama mouse and two babies living in a hole she dug below the Cherry Wine. I was applying some compost tea and this soaking wet mouse scurried out from below the mulch and ran up one of my wooden support stakes. When I pulled up the mulch I found two babies in a hole--also soaking wet but still alive. I was able to put the babies in a cup and then got the mama mouse in too but she jumped out and scampered off. So I took the babies out of the garden to a nearby brush pile where I'd seem the mama go and set them in the shade in the brush. Hope she finds them and is able to build a new home but knowing how Nature works they're probably goners. I feel kind of bad but can't really have mice digging around the root zone of my garden.

Hot as f--ck again today, muggy too (low this morning was 68!). Fog rolled in again late last night but burned off by 9 or so. Cold front should be coming through later today to dry things off and maybe give us a little shower.

Looking forward to some nice dry, cool, sunny, breezy autumn days. Love that New England weather when the dry cool air blows in from the Northwest, sky is a deep blue, leaves turning orange and yellow, and the sunlight gets that beautiful golden cast to it. Perfect bud-ripening weather!


Well-Known Member
Chilliest night of the fall last night but only dropped to about 49. Lots of sun during the day, cool and crisp.

Quick question: when breeders talk about flowering time, what do they consider the beginning of flower? When researching online I've seen a lot of people talk about the beginning of flowering as the start of the stretch--before flowers are actually showing. I always assumed it meant when first flowers show on the tips.

I was just reviewing some of my notes and the stretch actually began the third week of July, but the first recognizable flowers didn't appear until the first week of August. If Week 1 is when stretch begins, I may be a week or two further along than I thought.

What do you folks consider as the first week of flower?


Well-Known Member
That’s basically how it works. It’s easy for indoor grows as the first day is the flip from 18/6 to 12/12. We don’t have that exact starting point when outdoors. That’s why a lot of breeders will give flowering times in weeks as well as time of year. Also, you can’t go by what the breeder says...they are almost always optimistic on flowering times. That’s one thing I like about Dinafem...they are quite accurate on outdoor flowering times. I try to stay with strains listed to finish late sept/early oct. My Moby Dicks are a mid-late October strain...I have one that will be done mid October and unfortunately, the other won’t be ready until the end of October. Rolled the dice. Always plan to add at least week or two on to what they say. Most strains grown in the northeast will finish outdoors by mid-October unless it’s a sativa dom or slower flowering strain. Also, your window will open and you can decide if you want to ride it out. I don’t as we don’t typically have the weather here to support a late October finish. Once the harvest window opens for me, I’ll make a judgment call based on mold and weather. If the forecast looks good, I’ll let them go. If it looks cold and rainy and I’m starting to find mold, I’ll chop but I don’t cut them prematurely. I’ll lose some to mold and limp them to the finish line with a partial harvest. I have one that is now in the window (reveg that started flowering mid-July) but I’m going to let it go another 1-2 weeks to get that final swell. After a couple runs, it’s not difficult to tell when they are done. More comes down to patience and if you have the balls to let it ride. Lol

There’s no worse feeling than spending 6 months growing and then cutting prematurely. You will kick yourself in the ass every time you open that jar and get that green grassy chlorophyll hay smell.