Maine law info

Ok was throwing around the idea of moving to Maine (Cali&colorado are out of the question heard you guys ..and gals rank #3 in the states)and was wondering what the limits were plant wise per caregiver. would me and my wife be 1 caregiver or 2?who is a good laywer?how are the taxes ? vehicle inspection?.....I have some bad ass cars that wouldnt pass most states inspection.just tryin to get a overview before i up-rootmy family to live a dream of ours. Thank you in advance for any input. CNH


Well-Known Member
plant count is 6 flowering plants per patient, max of 5 patients. You can be a caregiver as well as your wife. If you were bot to take on 5 patients each that allows you to flower 60 plants at a time. You will need a pretty big grow op for this.
I know some lawyers, need to know where in maine you want to go. As for cars, there are plenty of shit boxes here, but probably just like any other state. good luck

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Me and my old lady used to run 72 plants in flower, since we both have our scripts, now I just run 36,there is no shortage of good lawyers here, I have a nice plug and play grow op in western foothills that Im trying to rent.


Well-Known Member
highest taxes in the country.
are laws are looking good but when the new DHHS head comes into play things may change.

we have an inspection process, some states don't we do, only one county does emitions though.

our cost of living is low, but so is our standard of living, some of us like that, some other don't.

do a lot of research man, i love this place but it has its own demons.. you OK with the cold and snow?


Well-Known Member
Highest taxes in the country? Really cerb? I don't like taxes more than the next guy but we do not have the highest in the country. Which one is highest?
Income tax? nope
Property tax? nope
Sales tax? nope

There are lots of other taxes too, but I would bet none of them has Maine as the highest.
Thanks for all the info guys if it happens it wouldnt be for 2 years so i have plenty of time to do my research! Oh as far as the cold i can put cloths on to deal with that.

The area i have been looking at was close to Bar Harbor just the first place that came to mind looking at a bunch of places would love to have 20+ acres.


Well-Known Member
We don't have inspections either......
no car inspection?1 wtf are you talking about? i had to get a sticker just last month.

as for taxes, i know we have some of (if not the highest) taxes I won't go into any in-depth search for it. but be real, property taxe isn't as high as say NH (which has no sales tax) and our sales tax isn't as high as vt, but their property tax is lower.. we don't have many people, its a poor economy, and a lot of residents are on state aid. a lot of road miles to keep maintained.. yada yada i am not saying there is no good reason for it but the made those stickers for lic. plates (taxation land instead of vacationland) for a reason..



Well-Known Member
It is what it is... a bumper sticker LOL
I have not done a lot of research on it either, but I found your claim dubious so I did a quick search on highest tax burden. Maine is not it, but it's high enough. I do realize (now) your comment was not a literal one.


Well-Known Member
i would not leave maine, but i would urge even a friend to really consider the up AND downs before moving here. and that is what the OP is asking. and frankly with the high taxes (we can all agree they are stupid high) and with how tight nit a community this state is, which can make it hard for flat landers to feel truely welcomed, the downs are something to be considered.

sure i could talk ups all day long.. but i am not moving away, nor here.. i am already here ;)


Active Member
The state vehicle inspection only cost around $12. I drove around a car for a year without getting it inspected and never had an issue. Cops don't seem to care much. In NH you can't get away with that for long.

You can get cheap property in Maine. But not near Bar Harbor, not near the coast, and not in the south of the state.

Income tax is the killer for me. 8.5% if you make over 20k. For 10 years before I moved to Maine I lived in states with no income tax.

If your income range is between $0 and $4,850, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 2%.
If your income range is between $4,851 and $9,700, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 4.5%.
If your income range is between $9,701 and $19,450, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 7%.
If your income range is $19,451 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 8.5%.
