Maine Decides: Right To Food

Not really a great idea. A few chickens is bad enough. You can have 3 chickens here in Portland. Since it's been allowed the rat population has exploded as it has in other places where backyard chickens are allowed. I couldn't imagine people raising pigs or cows in their yards.
Not really a great idea. A few chickens is bad enough. You can have 3 chickens here in Portland. Since it's been allowed the rat population has exploded as it has in other places where backyard chickens are allowed. I couldn't imagine people raising pigs or cows in their yards.

this is a way to get the conversation going about food being a human right; the backyard pigs and cows are just the distraction.
Farms used to keep cats, to keep rodents at bay. I don't know how they go about it anymore. They're not attracted to the chickens but rather their feed. Make it hard for them to get the feed and you'll keep them away. A desperate one might try for an egg.
Yes they did keep cats, lots lol. And yet still rats. I grew up on a farm and even with cats we resorted to highly toxic poisons (legal back then). And I guess it’s the chicken and the egg thing. But get chickens and you’ll have rats. You may not even see them but their around lol. Smartest animal I know of actually. I had one that came in to the house and eat the bread if left out (only bread). Hollowed out the bread and put a trap in it and the fucker pulled the trap out (not tripped) and eat the bread. Fucker was a college grad I think lol. Finally got him by setting out some bread and sat there with my pellet pistol and capped his ass lol. I fucking hate rats :(.
PS Rats will eat chicken shit FYI
Yes they did keep cats, lots lol. And yet still rats. I grew up on a farm and even with cats we resorted to highly toxic poisons (legal back then). And I guess it’s the chicken and the egg thing. But get chickens and you’ll have rats. You may not even see them but their around lol. Smartest animal I know of actually. I had one that came in to the house and eat the bread if left out (only bread). Hollowed out the bread and put a trap in it and the fucker pulled the trap out (not tripped) and eat the bread. Fucker was a college grad I think lol. Finally got him by setting out some bread and sat there with my pellet pistol and capped his ass lol. I fucking hate rats :(.
PS Rats will eat chicken shit FYI
Lol yea rats will eat just about anything when they're starving and yes somewhat intelligent animals. They are opportunists. So even with cats, yes they will be around. They wait for their opportunity to steal a meal. I'm not real fond of them but they fill a void in nature.
This, like many issues, is a property rights issue. Anyhow, it's already a "right" according to the Maine constitution. What happened is busy bodies eroded that right with zoning and regulation etc.

Section 1. Natural rights. All people are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. (From the Maine bill of rights)

Those who favor controlling other people will oppose it and vote to limit a right. These people should be considered food and promptly eviscerated, smoked, then stored and eaten later. Cannibals have rights too!

You have a right to grow your own food on your property or the property of others (with their agreement) trade it, sell it, give it away. You don't have a right to take it from others, without their consent.

People should disobey lawn ordinance horseshit and grow food in their front yards if they're inclined to.
This, like many issues, is a property rights issue. Anyhow, it's already a "right" according to the Maine constitution. What happened is busy bodies eroded that right with zoning and regulation etc.

Section 1. Natural rights. All people are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. (From the Maine bill of rights)

Those who favor controlling other people will oppose it and vote to limit a right. These people should be considered food and promptly eviscerated, smoked, then stored and eaten later. Cannibals have rights too!

You have a right to grow your own food on your property or the property of others (with their agreement) trade it, sell it, give it away. You don't have a right to take it from others, without their consent.

People should disobey lawn ordinance horseshit and grow food in their front yards if they're inclined to.

the trick is to get fencing and foliage, so no one can see in..maybe even a moat.
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it all starts with..? LOCAL..bottom up..citizens are saying 'if you won't feed us we will then feed ourselves'.

Socialism bottom up they're gonna say it can't be done then the Feds will take it up.

sometimes a splash of cold water to the face is required.
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Chickens don't draw rodents, lousy owners of chickens do.

Most of the people that get backyard chickens here in Portland don't take care of them properly. They don't realize the amount of maintenance and care required. Been there done that and never again. It's not worth a dozen eggs a week.

It's too dense in the city. Damn chickens squawking all day long.
Here in Maine we have a lot more predators that can wipe out a flock than just common wharf or roof rats. A single weasel can slip thru the tiniest of cracks and those little fuckers kill just to kill.
But yes, rats are opportunistic and are attracted to the feed. They used to get in our horses grain barrels and if you werent careful, they'd run right up your arm as you reached in for a scoop of feed. Barn cats are helpful but working dogs are better.

I've noticed a lot of folks have started raising chickens due to the high tick populations. The ones that dont do their homework and just decide on a whim to get the cute little chicks at Tractor Supply in the spring soon come to realize how much work they are. They either rehome them or they get wiped out by predators.
Here in Maine we have a lot more predators that can wipe out a flock than just common wharf or roof rats. A single weasel can slip thru the tiniest of cracks and those little fuckers kill just to kill.
But yes, rats are opportunistic and are attracted to the feed. They used to get in our horses grain barrels and if you werent careful, they'd run right up your arm as you reached in for a scoop of feed. Barn cats are helpful but working dogs are better.

I've noticed a lot of folks have started raising chickens due to the high tick populations. The ones that dont do their homework and just decide on a whim to get the cute little chicks at Tractor Supply in the spring soon come to realize how much work they are. They either rehome them or they get wiped out by predators.

I would literally freak out and start screaming if a rat crawled up my arm when reaching in a bin. I'm not bothered by much of anything but rats just freak me out. Probably still traumatized from watching movies like Willard and Ben as a child. :shock:

But yeah, people don't realize that chickens are not goldfish. They get them and usually get tired of them before they even start laying eggs.

I would literally freak out and start screaming if a rat crawled up my arm when reaching in a bin. I'm not bothered by much of anything but rats just freak me out. Probably still traumatized from watching movies like Willard and Ben as a child. :shock:

But yeah, people don't realize that chickens are not goldfish. They get them and usually get tired of them before they even start laying eggs.

I remember that movie :shock:
The wharf rats here along the riverbanks get that big. Nasty little bastards.

Screeching heard from the barn indicated someone left the cover off the grain barrel. And I fully admit to having a little PTSD from it. Thankfully we always had pitchforks for the hay nearby...though I'm not sure I have stomach for that nowadays.
I remember that movie :shock:
The wharf rats here along the riverbanks get that big. Nasty little bastards.

Screeching heard from the barn indicated someone left the cover off the grain barrel. And I fully admit to having a little PTSD from it. Thankfully we always had pitchforks for the hay nearby...though I'm not sure I have stomach for that nowadays.
I would sharpen a dedicated pitchfork and lovingly paint BITCHFORK on the handle.