Main topic idea


Well-Known Member
I have just briefly scanned the topics in the grow room and other main areas of discussion but hardly see an area for history. This would be cool to have down as legitimate information as to complete like a report perhaps for school now that legalization is going on( I presume more of this is being conjured up in classes due to the current events) . I guess this could be lumped into Legal but the issue is to make people aware of the history of Marijuana and taken as a global perspective. How long was this used where and when etc?? The great questions people want answered would be here...but do as you will and let me know if I am overlooking a detail.
thats really more something that could be put into a thread, a whole section on history just wouldnt work well with this forum, history topics themselves end up usually being able to be sub categorized into somewhere in the forum

we try not to spread our sub-forums too thin or its just bothersome to new users and every other user alike

Above are some sub-forum areas your idea would fit into , if you feel like creating a thread and doing this, i would suggest pick which one you would prefer

if we were going to make a history sub-forum it would be all inclusive so many topics would be able to be present